Re: 3 best ships for fleeters ?

neoshagrath wrote:Battleships

Fleeters don't generally need LCs. :P
I disagree, in the ideal fully implemented universe.


Recs can come later, i'm putting forward the perfect battle fleet for a fleeter. :D

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: 3 best ships for fleeters ?

AmeOkami wrote:Have you seen some of the hits on the forums? Them resources plundered require a mess load of LCs, but I can't disagree with you that recyclers are more important than LCs.
No LC's are sent Ame, the pure size of the attacking fleet can carry all that.

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: 3 best ships for fleeters ?

BS have the largest cargo hold bar RIP. LC are required by all. For this game, my main battle fleet is:

BS Fodder - With RF, LF can be used as fodder
DD Killer force, simple
BC Good Vs fleet, not so good Vs defense. They are also cheap on fuel. With my fleet it allows me send extra when BS get too expensive.

Recs, to mop up your mess.