Re: Making it harder for fleeters!

Belligerant wrote:
Slash wrote:
Belligerant wrote:LoL of cause big big fleeters would go on with they don't want ppl think differant, as it's there game LoL

Squirrel you know game play is not fair and I'm not talking about me LoL as I don't care anymore!!!
I'm talking about smaller players you feed off!!!... As far as I see your only playing your own game and don't really care
about the others....

Bellig... :D
Amazing that you see this tripe in a war game. There are no flower pot fighters or care bear cruisers and amazingly not a single give-me-a-hug death star. Planets bristle with defenses called cannons and turrets protected by shields and anti-ballistic missiles and the majority of the ships are created only for destruction.

Your failure to learn to play the game is no reason to whine.
Slash what part of war is this game,
I think you lost the plot.. I'm was trying to
make the game fair for all not just you lot!..

And for your info I'm not whining I'm trying to
push a point.. right or wrong don't care!!!..

I have a little over 30,000 points, and I find the game fun and really enjoyable. Granted, I haven't been hit by any of the big players but that is because I don't have a fleet for them to crash and not enough resources to steal. The only time I have a lot of resources on my planet is when I am online, and when I do, I ship them to my shell and spend them on defense or spend them on mines. The game is already great for turtles as is. I use my deut to feed fleeters and support my self. My fleet is 143 LC (With the temporary addition of 53 BS for moon shots)

Be careful about pyramids, there IS a rule about them -Weresloth

Re: Making it harder for fleeters!

Got some hits on this topic :D ...
Had a few beers last night when I started this topic :mrgreen: LoL it was not about crying or go all wimpy over loosing
a fleet.It's about colony planets, they can be put anywhere and taken down put somewhere else so why can't they be destroyed.
It dose not affect your main planet and for new players it can't really hurt them and colony planets are there to support your
main planet for ships,resources,wars and even taking down defs :).. Which all good ;)

Hiding fleets behind def cant work if cant destroy colony planets and even fleet save dose not work for all as I here stories
about fleets coming back from fleet save then attacked... I know some watch others and out plans there victims 8-) ...

Making it harder for fleeters!
Question! Why shouldn't we be able to destroy Colony Planets

If I repeated myself then srry, I didn't wont to go back and read it all in case I made a fool of myself :lol:

Thanks to all who posted a reply and those who looked

Cheers to all :)

It's ALLWAYS better to try than not tried at ALL!....;).. :)

Re: Making it harder for fleeters!

Weresloth wrote:What if your main planet is a colony? I don't know too many people who settle for 163 fields as their main
My main planet started off with 163 fields I beleave with upgrades went to 190+ fields and is still my main planet..


It's ALLWAYS better to try than not tried at ALL!....;).. :)

Re: Making it harder for fleeters!

ANYONE can destroy ANY colony and move them, the only exception being your HP. You must be able to abandon a colony for the simple fact planet sizes are random and you may end up with a small planet. People use mobile colonies (The word I believe you are looking for) to strategically place them to attack others. It is a tactic anyone can use. You are complaining about the entire mechanics of this game, get a grip and stop being childish. There are other games where the same tactics are used and nobody complains. Your making it out that its our fault your fleet is gone when the simple fact is you are too lazy, plain and simple. Its not easy to climb to the top, no fleetsave - no fleet.

I really dont understand why people have such a huge problem with fleetsaving. This game is in real time, there is no pause button and it is very demanding on peoples time. When you fleetsave, you MUST be on for the fleet landing. Ive been known to cancel on friends and family events to ensure my fleet is safe, although, with mobile internet devices it makes it alot easier. This game requires extreme dedication and once you perfect your fleetsave skills, I will guarantee 99% that you will never be crashed. You gotta allow for unseen events such as internet outages, power outages, RL situations that may stop you getting to a PC.

People quit because they are not educated on how to play, more experienced players are more than willing to help educate on the forums but help is a two way street. People need to ask questions. There is a dedicated Mod team and alot of other forum users who understand the need for players to be educated. A thorough guide for this game is required but it would be a very demanding task to write one, I would love to have the time to write one but I dont.

Re: Making it harder for fleeters!

also you dont join a soccer game and complain about all the running across the field you need to do? or that the goal is too big or that you cant grab the ball with your hands. you are supposed to adapt to the current rules and try to excel
You can't stop me I'm on a boat!

Re: Making it harder for fleeters!

I would find it more devastating if someone was angry at me for some reason or another and just destroyed all of my colonies...

Imagine: You just spent several million resources on fleets or defenses and one of the ships or missiles shows up on your menu to be their in a few minutes. That would make more players quit than not.

You want the players to have complete control over everything. Next you will want to be able to ban players because a mod banned you from the forums.

Re: Making it harder for fleeters!

Squirrel wrote:People quit because they are not educated on how to play, more experienced players are more than willing to help educate on the forums but help is a two way street. People need to ask questions. There is a dedicated Mod team and alot of other forum users who understand the need for players to be educated. A thorough guide for this game is required but it would be a very demanding task to write one, I would love to have the time to write one but I dont.
I actually BEGAN to write one but...Oh my. Its SO LONG. I don't mind reading but this is so long I would NEVER read it all. And I'm only like 1/3 done o.O

I was going to explain each building, fleets, resources, fleet-saving, moons, defense, different strategies, etc. But I think an detailed guide isn't going to help much, considering it'll be the size of a novel.

Re: Making it harder for fleeters!

I am in the process of writing one right now, i am doing it in sections, one for each game strategy, covering all the mechanics and possibilites you need to know.

It'll take a long time but it's worth it, hope to have the first section done in the next few days if i have enough spare time.

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...