Re: Making it harder for fleeters!

Is it just me or did he seriously just suggest that we should not be allowed to build colonies? :shock:

*facepalm* :roll:

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Making it harder for fleeters!

for those who keep saying I was wining, well I haven't I've been trying to make a point like on def eyes..
but I don't care it your game and if it works for you good luck but i SEE TO MANY FLOORS? and only works
for the strong...

It's ALLWAYS better to try than not tried at ALL!....;).. :)

Re: Making it harder for fleeters!

Weresloth wrote:There were too many things wrong with that statement. If you don't care about the game then why keep playing it?
If you invest so much time in a game then you tell me were to stop?

It's ALLWAYS better to try than not tried at ALL!....;).. :)

Re: Making it harder for fleeters!

Belligerant wrote:
Weresloth wrote:There were too many things wrong with that statement. If you don't care about the game then why keep playing it?
If you invest so much time in a game then you tell me were to stop?

But you said you don't want to be on 24/7. But when you aren't you refuse to fleet save. You're a dead man walking.

Re: Making it harder for fleeters!

What you're not understanding is that no matter HOW you implement a "planet destruction" feature into the game, the top 10 players WILL get it before the new players. EVERY TIME. Thats like saying we need to make a really expensive ship to help the noobs counter the RIPs. It doesn't matter, because only the strong players will have it.

If my colonies were destroyed by some sort of uber-missile, I would quit IMMEDIATELY. No second chances, I'd be out. And I don't quit games when it gets tough, just when it gets ridiculous. Think of all the new players, working so hard on their new colony, only for someone to just say "Nah." and pop it.

Say you hadn't had your turtle shell cracked and they added this. Instead of getting cracked, your planet would have just disappeared, without any major losses for SBT. You're thinking of this from one perspective, you're not bothering to weigh the pros and cons. You're just thinking "Oh noes, I got cracked! I WANT TO DESTROY COLONIES!!!!" It doesn't help turtles, since fleeters (generally) have a MUCH larger income from their crashes. So fleeters get it first. What better way to eliminate all competition than by just destroying any and all colonies and forcing everyone around you to quit?

The people that quit are those that either don't know what they're doing, refuse to learn, and get upset when they get crashed. Its not because of any of the top 10, or the top 50, or even the top 100. Its the NEW players that refuse to learn and adapt. Every game has them, its just got to overcome it. And adding an uber-missile to the game that can render all players useless isn't the way to do it.