Re: Recuits needed, are you up for the challenge.

What do you mean by "will not raid or attack unless authorized"? What kind of alliance is this?, and please don't let this "high council" be comprised of 2 or 3 guys with 1 inactive lol.

Sig by TG trigger.

Cops don't like me, so I don't like cops. ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne, ne ne ne ne ne ne, nenenenene PWNNN!!!

Re: Recuits needed, are you up for the challenge.

kassler wrote:What do you mean by "will not raid or attack unless authorized"? What kind of alliance is this?, and please don't let this "high council" be comprised of 2 or 3 guys with 1 inactive lol.

to avoid unnecessary fights between allainces and protect especially the much weaker ones of the alliance such drastic steps must be taken. the rules and clauses can be changed but only at the right date and the right time. The high council consist of up to 5 members or more, since this is a young alliance almost anyone can join it but only if you are up for it.

however it is nice to tell me anything you think about the allaince since i'm also new to the game and i'll continue to do my best in answering any question about the alliance :)

Re: Recuits needed, are you up for the challenge.

heres the new version of the rules of the alliance

The General Clauses and RULES for the Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty:
1) Must always listen to the supreme council first, then the Z.A.F.T forces.
2) Must always report any attacks to the alliance (a.k.a yourself) to the high council.
3) aid or attack are now authorised by the high official as long as you follow the rules of the game.
4) If needed the supreme council is allowed to gather all forces.
5) Must be logged in at least twice a week.
6) Never fight with anyone in your own alliance.
7) Any sorts of problems that envolves the alliance must be reported to the supreme council.

Re: Zodiac Alliance Freedom Treaty is now recuiting

The Z.A.F.T alliance is still recuiting from beginners to experts

However were not just recuiting member but also players who can take up ranks in the alliance,from co-leader to squad captains almost anyone can get a rank.

The Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty currently has 6 members however we have developed from a few weeks ago where the alliance was rank 312 to the rank now at 68.

want to keep updated?
then visit the alliance page ... ag=Z.A.F.T