The African Wild

The following is a story of the African wild in comparison to Zorg Empire

the following key code will help understand the story a little better
Lion = ~V~
Cheetah = RAWK
Impala = Azguard
Gazelle = Dacia
Zebra = The Fraternity
Wildebeast = Alpha Omega

SO here we are on the savanna observing the wildlife.We have an assortment of animals roaming around all looking to feed to survive.But the researchers have noticed something rather disturbing..when the Larger groups of Impala's,Gazelle's,Zebra's, and Wildebeast look for food all they see is another one of their kind. This is forcing them to travel Much further to aquire something to eat,which in turn leaves them just as hungry when they return to their safe havens.

Now the Smaller Pride of Lions and the Cheetah's..with all watching eyes see this.They watch as the four groups struggle to gain strength and begin to single out their targets.One by one members of the four larger groups watch as a member of their herd falls prey to well feed lions and cheetahs.
Helpless to stop it they move on hoping to find new lands to feed on,but once they get there all they find is MORE of their herd.Researchers can only hope that they realize that some must move on and break away from their kind in order to become stronger, more mobile,but only time will have that answer...but its almost a certainty they will starve themselves before this happens.

Now this isn't to say the Lions and Cheetahs are immune to disease.Occasionally they are forced into actions against their own and/or each other.The Cheetahs like to play with the lions.Some sit up in the trees dangling their tails to antagonize the lions into burning energy. This has its downfall as the experienced Cheetahs get away with it,but the less experienced ones feel the blows from the lions.The lions take the little Cheetahs heads and parade them around for all to see and serve as a warning.This is not to say the cheetah is weak as sometimes the lion tries to hone in on the cheetahs food and get bite back themselves forcing them to step back and think about if that meal was worth the hassle.

Researchers have noticed that sometimes members of the lion herd slow down...and eventually stop moving.Rather than leave the dieing lion to be eattin by the cheetahs ,the lions swarm in and end its life leaving nothing for anyone else.Researchers have not figured out why they stop moving,but have not ruled out the fact of too much inbreeding weakening the gene pool.

The Cheetah have been known to remove members of its community, some unwilling some gracefully.The Cheetah needs to remain fast to grow in strength to keep the Lions at bay...researchers believe the Lions and Cheetahs will come out of the Savanna on top as they clearly have a much larger food selection.

Hope you enjoyed todays trip around the Savanna and hopefully all the food in this content can read between the lines to realize what is happening.

Re: The African Wild

I am so incredibly disappointed that the story didn't include poo flinging monkeys. Seriously. No story about the African Wild is complete without poo flinging monkeys.

I'd have rated it an A+ but I'm forced to give it a meager "A". Inbred lions. Chortle.


Re: The African Wild

LOL! 10/10 gumps, that's hilarious! :lol:

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: The African Wild

Brilliant post Gumps, lightens things up on here, takes us away from all the serious stuff like killing etc!! :D :D


Re: The African Wild

Hey Gumppy, great story! But I have 1 question. Is the pride of Lions compared to the pride before Simba returned or after. Because as the movie showed, before Simba returned the Lions were ran by a bunch of Hyenas. I am not a researcher but that has been my observation.
[Showing no mercy!

Re: The African Wild

Sadbutrue wrote:RAWK is more of a hyena feeding on small and already dead pray.

well than when you tell your grand kids the story you can tell it that way!

Re: The African Wild

Sadbutrue wrote:what a sad life i would have to have in order to bust out that story
See gumps, if you hadn't included that comment about the inbred lions it would be all laughs and giggles! :lol:

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: The African Wild

Not gonna go all kasslar on me now with some epiphany talk i hope...i mean someone with a name Sadbutrue talking about what a sad day it would be to bust out such a said story of how we spent the better part of 7 months pushin pixels around a web browser!

have to figure by the time you have grand kids..they're gonna look at you funny when you talk about driving around in gas powered vehicles!!!