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Game Guide


Welcome to Zorg empire. An free online mmorpg space game. If your new to this game there's no need to be worried. You should get a grasp of the game with the just joined guide on the front page but for any extra quiestians feel free to ask in the forums. Administraters and moderaters are their to answer your questions too.


Your first goal in the game is to gather resoureches and energy. The first building you should build is a Solar Plant. Click on the building menu and scroll down till you find the solar plant. Click on the green Buildoption. The other build options on the other buildings will turn Red till the solar plant is finished. At the top of the build screen is the time left before the building is finished and you may wish to cancel the build. The Metal Mine is next. Once your Solar Plant is finished repeat the process except build the Metal Mine. Once you've built your buildings the build option will go to an upgrade option.


Once you've built your research lab your ready to start researching. Click on the research tab and select the tecnology you want to research. Energy Technology should be first as computer technology you don't need at this early stage. I'll explain about that later. Click on the research button next to Energy Technology. Like the build option it will show the time remaining and an option to cancel. Once the process is done you may need to press the continue button. Now that your've researched it you can now research higher levels if your wish.


In some time the shipyard will be available to build. The game gets fun with a shipyard as you can now build ships and attack or raid other players, inhabit new planets or gain information on your enemy before launching an attack. Click on the shipyard tab. At first you can only build solar satellites. Once you have a higher leveled building or research you can build ships. You should build a cargo ship first so you can raid and do some transporting. When you have more resourches build a light fighter. Aim to build more light fighters than any powerful ship as light fighters to well in large numbers. Once you have some light fighters and a cargo ship your ready to raid. Now you need to research the computer Tecnology to get slots for your fleets.

Attacking and Raiding

Now that you have a cargo ship and some light fighters you can start defending and attacking. Lets start with raiding. Click on the galaxy tab and explore the diffrent systems. Your looking for a player with a (i) in front of their name. Their inactives. When you've found one try and raid them.

> Scroll over the planet and click on attack on the popop that comes.
> Select 1 Cargo ship and click continue. It's up to you want to send some light fighters to accomponay your cargo ship and defend it.
> Now you need to select a target. It should already be selected on planet so their should be no problem.
>Next choose the mission you want. Select attack.
>Now you have the mission overview with all the details.

Might be continued. Sorry if i've missed out anything. I can't add images.
Last edited by Glenny on Thu Jun 18, 2009 4:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
We are the fururiestic Cavemen Time travellers of the past.
