Re: Dacia VS AZG

"New Hunting Ground", in my opinion, is not a good enough reason to break an NAP and wage war on AZG. is a 'free world', so I suppose you can do whatever it is you want.
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Dacia VS AZG

*sigh* foolish boy Dacian1.
Raiding your members gives me something to do on study breaks :)
I have exams, thats as close to a job as I want to get right now!
I love having 11 fleet slots, and enough LC to raid all the COMPLETELY UNDEFENDED Dacian planets near me with over 2mil+ resources just sitting around...
Maybe instead of trolling this thread you should get a job yourself, or perhaps tell your alliance why theyre losing so badly.
Id inform them myself but i know you guys cant speak english.

Re: Dacia VS AZG

you realise dacian you are not making your situation better by attacking those who can hardly defencd themsleves that is a bullies tactic engaging the weak and those unable to defend themselves feel my rightous wrath destroy planet after planet of yours in the future and no that is not an idle threat im gonna kill a load of planets owned by tengellion beware tenge oh and i find myself agreeing with roguespear here you guys must invest in some defences i mean really ive taken over 15mill metal today from you guys its just a bit sad that all i sent was lc

Re: Dacia VS AZG

Hes not, and was told not to post in there ><
*Cough* gloryhog *Cough*
He started his own thread for the same hit...
Please all non AZG/Dacians not acting as official mercs refrain from posting in the AZGvDacian thread.

Re: Dacia VS AZG

Dacian1 wrote:hahahaha! get a life mister, mayby get a job? :lol:
HAHAHAHAHA! Wow, I haven't seen irony like this in AGES!

Telling people to get a job when you troll the forums. Classic.

Re: Dacia VS AZG

I've been out of work for months do to a pulled hamstring. That's how I started this game - I had nothing to do and now I love it. Consider yourselves lucky to be capable of physical activities and/or work.

Masamune and Rogue are right, though. If you're going to wage war, do it RIGHT. Defenses anyone? I have mine; but where are yours? Keep in mind that people can't beat you if they can't touch you ^^.
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Dacia VS AZG

masamune wrote:you realise dacian you are not making your situation better by attacking those who can hardly defencd themsleves that is a bullies tactic engaging the weak and those unable to defend themselves feel my rightous wrath destroy planet after planet of yours in the future and no that is not an idle threat im gonna kill a load of planets owned by tengellion beware tenge oh and i find myself agreeing with roguespear here you guys must invest in some defences i mean really ive taken over 15mill metal today from you guys its just a bit sad that all i sent was lc
So you were the one stealing from my farm tengellion. :evil:
You will regret those words. We will meet again. :twisted: Hopefully. :P
Seasons end.

Re: Dacia VS AZG

Now look what you've done, Neo's all upset. :D
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Dacia VS AZG

Witchywoman wrote:
gard1 wrote:i am just wondering is it only those who are in war that can post combat reports? as i have hit a few of dacia members and did not want to upset the system by putting in my combat reps.
yours gard1
The Dacia VS AZG CR Only thread is for the players in those alliances to post their war hits. If you are in neither alliance then no you are not to post your cr's in that thread. Sorry to ruin your fun ;)
However, there are other places to post it, just not in that thread.
So your fun is not totally ruined.