Re: Dacia VS AZG

Defiant wrote:I've had contact with a couple of Dacian players, and there's alot of them who's actually very nice and surprisingly don't want anything to do with the war..
I know of one whom is a very good friend of mine and was stuck in this position of war that they never wanted to be in. I have not been asked to fight yet by Azg, but if I am....I will not attack my friend. I am loyal to both.

Good Luck to Both Sides,
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Dacia VS AZG

hey roguespear mind telling me their names cos i wont hit the ones who want nothin to do with the war

Re: Dacia VS AZG

masamune wrote:mind telling me their names cos i wont hit the ones who want nothin to do with the war
I built my alliance on the beliefs that everyone deserves to be protected, ESPECIALLY the innocent players that you wish to destroy. I will carry out these beliefs even if it means I must try and stop you. So, if you're planning on hitting the ones "who want nothin to do with the war", I hope you don't mind fighting me as well; because I'll be protecting them, no matter which alliance they're in.
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Dacia VS AZG

Gale wrote:
masamune wrote:mind telling me their names cos i wont hit the ones who want nothin to do with the war
I built my alliance on the beliefs that everyone deserves to be protected, ESPECIALLY the innocent players that you wish to destroy. I will carry out these beliefs even if it means I must try and stop you. So, if you're planning on hitting the ones "who want nothin to do with the war", I hope you don't mind fighting me as well; because I'll be protecting them, no matter which alliance they're in.
Actually i think Masamune is looking to avoid hitting those targets.

Be careful of overextending yourself.

I am an equal opportunity hunter. I will devour any fleets I see. ;)

"You are in a position to demand nothing. I however, am in a position to grant nothing."

Khan Noonian Singh

Re: Dacia VS AZG

Apologies to all. I mistaked the "o" in wont for an "a".
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Dacia VS AZG

I'm getting more and more msgs of Dacian players wanting nothing to do with this war and also who don't even know what happened and why there is a war..

If you want to be safe from this war it's simple - leave Dacia alliance! As long as you're wearing the Dacia tag you will be a target... there's some Dacian members i've been in contact with and i understand, but there's more than just AZG after Dacia now, if i say i won't attack you - i'm not speaking for my entire alliance and other players hunting Dacia..
This is a war wich Dacia declared on AZG, we can't say "ok this is war but spare the following list because they don't want any part etc." Your alliance declared war thus if you don't want any part of it you have the right to leave! An alliance means working together as a team and following leadership - as soon as that stops working you don't belong there anymore!

Good luck on whatever you decide!

Re: Dacia VS AZG

You know, I sympathize, but at the same time, a lot of these guys getting hit arent fleet saving. They would have been hit anyways, so they should really be mad at the Dacians that started the war. They put all these guys at risk from AZG and the community as well who arent really worried about whether the guy with millions of res sitting on his planet knew if there was a war going on or not.

Re: Dacia VS AZG

Khan wrote: I am an equal opportunity hunter. I will devour any fleets I see. ;)
I like it. TgE is not discriminating either

Re: Dacia VS AZG

I hope the Dacian leaders will change their leadership....I also hope that this war ends soon. Seeing comrades being forced to fight eachother isn't something I like to sit back and leave alone; but in this case, I have no choice.
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Dacia VS AZG

Personally, I think it is equally cowardly to hold onto a tag when you disagree with the leadership so strongly that you will make secret individual NAPs and PM other players about your dissent.

It is very simple. If you don't agree with the leadership...LEAVE.

Those players can do what some of the MEMEL players did, which is start their own alliance or a splinter alliance. Complaining privately and putting up with it publicly is at the very least weak and cowardly.

"You are in a position to demand nothing. I however, am in a position to grant nothing."

Khan Noonian Singh