Re: Battle Simulator

I think the administrators are more concerned about getting the second server up
Forum Administrator
Noblesse Oblige 77 MP

Re: Battle Simulator

Weresloth wrote:I think the administrators are more concerned about getting the second server up
Makes sense... Not. Why not finish 1 server and get that working before starting on #2?

Re: Battle Simulator

Squirrel wrote:
Weresloth wrote:I think the administrators are more concerned about getting the second server up
Makes sense... Not. Why not finish 1 server and get that working before starting on #2?
Because it doesn't make as much profit.

Re: Battle Simulator

Yes, it doesnt make much profit because it doesnt work properly. Starting a 2nd server will kill the first one and will end up back at square one. People wont pay to play a game that has lots of bug, simple. If game admins put the time and effort into fixing the game, then working on a second server, by the time the second server is running the game will be thriving. To me it looks like the admin prefer quantity over quality. Paying players are being driven away because they can play other games that are bug-free. But hey, what would I know?

Re: Battle Simulator

Squirrel wrote:Yes, it doesnt make much profit because it doesnt work properly. Starting a 2nd server will kill the first one and will end up back at square one. People wont pay to play a game that has lots of bug, simple. If game admins put the time and effort into fixing the game, then working on a second server, by the time the second server is running the game will be thriving. To me it looks like the admin prefer quantity over quality. Paying players are being driven away because they can play other games that are bug-free. But hey, what would I know?

If only the admins would read this thread...But they want, and they will start a new server that will fail because it is filled with bugs...It would seem that they hope the new server is bug free, and are just gonna leave us to die.

Re: Battle Simulator

I think that the admin are dedicated to fixing this one before they make a new one. If their only goal was profit, then why would they put so much effort into a free game?

Re: Battle Simulator

Thatguyeric wrote:I think that the admin are dedicated to fixing this one before they make a new one. If their only goal was profit, then why would they put so much effort into a free game?
Most browser games are free, the owners make profit through ads and the (very) few who pay. This game needs more experienced gamers to play as the experienced players will (in my exp) be more likely to pay and play for longer. I have tried to get a few more advanced players, who I play with in other games, to play here but they quit because of the bugs. This server is nowhere near capacity, a new server will draw alot of players from here into the new server looking for a fresh start. Some will stay but will quit after they get bored. And the cycle continues....

Re: Battle Simulator

Sadbutrue wrote:yeah too many times i just cross my fingers.

Thats what i do, the button has said under construction for the past like 3 months.
You thought you had a easy path to victory, before i stepped in the path!

Re: Battle Simulator

There are more important issues that are being worked on. Making a battle simulator is the least of their worries as it does not in anyway effect the game play, it is a tool for the convenience of the players. They normally work on things in order of importance such as issues that currently effect game etc... then when they have those under control they can move to other things.
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!