Agreed with Defiant there, Ive been approached by some Dacian players with nearby planets to me asking to be left out of the war. They want no part of it but feel they do nothing more than earn the reputation the alliance has earned if they leave their fellow countrymen. Dacians have more honour than is thought, its just a few scum bags at the top
Ive made a few personal ptp NAPs that so long as I dont see their names in logs vs AZG I wont hit them, and Im happy to say none of them has been broken. Dacias getting alot of hate, but lets keep it where its deserved, at plainstrider there and a few of the other top nuts, not at the players who got dragged down because of them.
@Istalris, yes that ACS ninja was logged up in the CR thread, but all credit goes to Anubis. He couldve done that on his own, I just threw in my puny midget fleet in to help out a little
As it happened we thought we were going to lose when demon fell victim to the ACS recall bug, but we thought wed severely nerf loggeds fleet and defiant (Who logged on just too late to join in) could smash what was left when it returned, and if we could pick up the DF itd show a healthy profit
Doing 3.5x the damage to logged is quite a good result for that expectation
But really, all kudos to Anubis. Hes a very active and dedicated player, and this victory was his. I just lowered out the damage taken a bit. All hail Anubis