Paradox wrote:getting to stage of reasonably acceptable soup opera - istalris you are sour grapes ... defending AZG just to make a possible rationale ... excuse me .. you failed misserably to do so ...
the fact is that Khan made an amasing ratio any of top 10 players would be proud of, and you just can not get yourself to show him the decency to say yeah, well done "dude" as you are fancy to call Khan lately...
but rest assured it does not make any difference to me what you think ...
Istalris wrote:Lovely ratios Khan.

You have an incredible knack of picking the negative out of things people say, defending AZG to make a possible rationale? My god.. there are so many things wrong there i don't even know where to start. My guesses are that your mind is a little too one-sided to see anything outside of your own opinions and friends.
Dude = a casual term to refer to a male person. Sorry if the term is not "good" enough for Khan as your implication portrays, if it insults you Khan i simply won't say it.. Sorry Paradox, i don't think i wanna call him "master" for now.
