Re: Khan [~V~] vs. Spider [RAWK] TD 163,960,600

Paradox wrote:getting to stage of reasonably acceptable soup opera - istalris you are sour grapes ... defending AZG just to make a possible rationale ... excuse me .. you failed misserably to do so ...

the fact is that Khan made an amasing ratio any of top 10 players would be proud of, and you just can not get yourself to show him the decency to say yeah, well done "dude" as you are fancy to call Khan lately...

but rest assured it does not make any difference to me what you think ...
Istalris wrote:Lovely ratios Khan.

You have an incredible knack of picking the negative out of things people say, defending AZG to make a possible rationale? My god.. there are so many things wrong there i don't even know where to start. My guesses are that your mind is a little too one-sided to see anything outside of your own opinions and friends.

Dude = a casual term to refer to a male person. Sorry if the term is not "good" enough for Khan as your implication portrays, if it insults you Khan i simply won't say it.. Sorry Paradox, i don't think i wanna call him "master" for now. :roll:

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Khan [~V~] vs. Spider [RAWK] TD 163,960,600

I think this thread is getting off-topic! :o

Please focus on what this thread is supposed to focus on... My awesomeness! :D

Paradox: Thank you for defending me Sweetie, but I think it is all just a big misunderstanding.

Istalris: No offense taken.

"You are in a position to demand nothing. I however, am in a position to grant nothing."

Khan Noonian Singh

Re: Khan [~V~] vs. Spider [RAWK] TD 163,960,600

hmmm -i doubt the underlying qualities would make you a candidate ..but i leave that to the persons legible to judge...

and yes, my mind is " extremely one sided" in terms you are referring to and i am
darn proud of it ...

anyway there is a wast area between calling a person a master (:P) and calling him dude (thumb down) - he may not mind but i do ... we are not .. plebs .. are we?

Re: Khan [~V~] vs. Spider [RAWK] TD 163,960,600

Paradox wrote:hmmm -i doubt the underlying qualities would make you a candidate ..but i leave that to the persons legible to judge...

and yes, my mind is " extremely one sided" in terms you are referring to and i am
darn proud of it ...

anyway there is a wast area between calling a person a master (:P) and calling him dude (thumb down) - he may not mind but i do ... we are not .. plebs .. are we?

Ok normally I would say nothing but Paradox you do go a bit too far. You made the comment that no one could get a better ratio... YOUR MISTAKE... someone already had. Yes Khan did an excellent hit with a great ratio, but if you throw words around some take it as a challenge to prove you wrong. In this instance you were wrong. As far as what Istalris calls Khan, unless you are Khan's master... I believe you have no say in it. If Khan has issues with it then I am sure he is most capable of saying so. AND BEFORE you decide to try to bite my head off with your words.... don't even go there... I am in no way defending any one, just pointing out the facts.

Now to get BACK TO THE TOPIC.... Excellent hit Khan, very good ratio, and yeah if I were you I would do follow-ups for the pm's :twisted: .

GLOTR Spider
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!

Re: Khan [~V~] vs. Spider [RAWK] TD 163,960,600

nah Puppy master, i did not go too far - i only made an deduction on facts presented on the forum and i'm just pointing it out that 0 makes 0 - for what ever reason it happened .. or not.. there is no way to prove it regardless the effort you invest and the will to cement it, Witchy

on the other topic ? "I believe you have no say in it" you say ... who the hell you think you are?... i hate patronising and Witchy you are so full of it ... maybe you are trying to portray big mamma but please do not interfere where there is no due - sure say your peace ... just end it in a hygenical way ...

i for sure do not intend to listen to your rummbling while crowling away to your witchy corner

Re: Khan [~V~] vs. Spider [RAWK] TD 163,960,600

Watch your mouth Paradox, you have developed a nasty attitude change since your alliance move. I see you're developing the ego expected already. You were wrong here and you know it, you're just to far up on those high-horses of yours to get it. Stating that their is no way to prove it? I take it that's a snide comment saying Temp faked his hit, sure, there's just as much a way to prove it as to prove every other hit in this forum.

If you have an issue with me, take it up in game. Do not jump down a friends throat because she stated what was obvious.

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Khan [~V~] vs. Spider [RAWK] TD 163,960,600

Istalris wrote:Watch your mouth Paradox, you have developed a nasty attitude change since your alliance move. I see you're developing the ego expected already. You were wrong here and you know it, you're just to far up on those high-horses of yours to get it. Stating that their is no way to prove it? I take it that's a snide comment saying Temp faked his hit, sure, there's just as much a way to prove it as to prove every other hit in this forum.

If you have an issue with me, take it up in game. Do not jump down a friends throat because she stated what was obvious.

No, do not use that language with me - ever again - i shall not watch my mounth - again who the hell you think you are ?

My attitude has nothing to do with the alliance nor the game - i just see to bimbos siting there scratching their heads wondering how could it happen so suddenlly - guess what i don't give a toss what happened - have a reason to complain -taff luck

i have no issue with you personaly any more - you are just one to go down that is all ...

1 Warning for trolling. -neoshagrath

Re: Khan [~V~] vs. Spider [RAWK] TD 163,960,600

Paradox wrote:
Istalris wrote:Watch your mouth Paradox, you have developed a nasty attitude change since your alliance move. I see you're developing the ego expected already. You were wrong here and you know it, you're just to far up on those high-horses of yours to get it. Stating that their is no way to prove it? I take it that's a snide comment saying Temp faked his hit, sure, there's just as much a way to prove it as to prove every other hit in this forum.

If you have an issue with me, take it up in game. Do not jump down a friends throat because she stated what was obvious.

No, do not use that language with me - ever again - i shall not watch my mounth - again who the hell you think you are ?

My attitude has nothing to do with the alliance nor the game - i just see to bimbos siting there scratching their heads wondering how could it happen so suddenlly - guess what i don't give a toss what happened - have a reason to complain -taff luck

i have no issue with you personaly any more - you are just one to go down that is all ...

1 Warning for trolling. -neoshagrath
what was trolling in my case please enlighten me since i'm not native english speaker

thank you

If you want to clear things up with a mod, do so via PM. -neoshagrath

Re: Khan [~V~] vs. Spider [RAWK] TD 163,960,600

Paradox wrote:nah Puppy master, i did not go too far - i only made an deduction on facts presented on the forum and i'm just pointing it out that 0 makes 0 - for what ever reason it happened .. or not.. there is no way to prove it regardless the effort you invest and the will to cement it, Witchy

on the other topic ? "I believe you have no say in it" you say ... who the hell you think you are?... i hate patronising and Witchy you are so full of it ... maybe you are trying to portray big mamma but please do not interfere where there is no due - sure say your peace ... just end it in a hygenical way ...

i for sure do not intend to listen to your rummbling while crowling away to your witchy corner

First off my little insignificant PET (just remember you are the one that started calling me names).... As I stated don't even start with me, you are the one that is coming off with a holier than thou attitude when you were in fact WRONG when you said the ratio could not be beat the first time.
Paradox wrote:not the largest of battles, Master, yet one of the ultimate ones can get better ratio than that...can one?
And as for me saying you have no say in what other people call one another, YOU DON'T... that is a fact of life, the only ones that have say in it are the 2 that are involved. I am no more patronizing to you than you have been as of late to others and now myself. I, like others have a right to speak (or should I say type) in here. As for crawling anywhere... I, get down on my knees for NO ONE.

My apologies to the mods and to the the OP (Khan) for going off topic.
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!