Well I honestly can't say i blame ya SOC I would have done the same thing in your position, there was no way of knowing if that kind of thing was going on. I've always kinda wondered how big of a DF I would make and with any luck the admins will replace my fleet or something, or at least it sounds like it from the message they sent me. I will say that having to wait over 24 hours to get even a "yes we received your messages" is kind of crap on admins part but what can ya do? anyway good hit SOC and to everybody out there you see what it took to finally find and get me and thats the only way it will ever happen. lol and as long as i get compensated fairly for what happened i will probably continue playing zorg. Well peace out everybody i got to go deal with admins now.
Oh yeah I forgot technically I wasn't in AZG at the time of the attack, it kicked me out of that as well and I still haven't been able to get it to let me reapply to them or any other alliance yet. lol
Also I bet me having WSA of 0,0,0 kinda helped out on that attack didn't it? lol not that the fleet you sent was small by any means and wouldn't have eaten it anyway but still i could have done a lot more damage if I hadn't been screwed by zorg.
I know I'm talking a lot but it feels like i was silenced for an eternity. lol
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.