Re: SquirrelOnCrack [~V~] Vs malphage [AZG] 1.403.685.000

Well I honestly can't say i blame ya SOC I would have done the same thing in your position, there was no way of knowing if that kind of thing was going on. I've always kinda wondered how big of a DF I would make and with any luck the admins will replace my fleet or something, or at least it sounds like it from the message they sent me. I will say that having to wait over 24 hours to get even a "yes we received your messages" is kind of crap on admins part but what can ya do? anyway good hit SOC and to everybody out there you see what it took to finally find and get me and thats the only way it will ever happen. lol and as long as i get compensated fairly for what happened i will probably continue playing zorg. Well peace out everybody i got to go deal with admins now. :roll:

Oh yeah I forgot technically I wasn't in AZG at the time of the attack, it kicked me out of that as well and I still haven't been able to get it to let me reapply to them or any other alliance yet. lol

Also I bet me having WSA of 0,0,0 kinda helped out on that attack didn't it? lol not that the fleet you sent was small by any means and wouldn't have eaten it anyway but still i could have done a lot more damage if I hadn't been screwed by zorg.

I know I'm talking a lot but it feels like i was silenced for an eternity. lol
Last edited by Malphage on Mon Jun 08, 2009 7:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

Re: SquirrelOnCrack [~V~] Vs malphage [AZG] 1.403.685.000

On a side note if anybody still has any esp messages on me from the last day or so please send them to me, it would greatly help me in possibly recovering what i have lost. I know some of you probably hate me and think why do that for him, but we need to put that kind of crap aside for things like this.
so please send them to me in game or here on the forums it doesn't matter.
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

Re: SquirrelOnCrack [~V~] Vs malphage [AZG] 1.403.685.000

Aw that *****,hope they give you your fleet back.
I had the same problem some time ago and lost the fleet I had and like 12 hrs farming.
It wasnt a realy big fleet cause the big chunk of it was taken by SOC a week earlier.
I just got so pissed that I couldnt log that I said, thats it,and quited the game and deleted my account.The only reason I came back is cause of the friends I had made in this game.(it took me a month to make my mind up cause this game is not like you play it 1hrs/day ).
I should have mailed the admin but was too pissed with this game to do it.
Good luck mate.

Re: SquirrelOnCrack [~V~] Vs malphage [AZG] 1.403.685.000

Witchywoman wrote:No it wasn't anything Malphage did... It is a BUG that ZE has yet to have control over. It has happened to 5 players now and seems to only happen when ZE is "down for maintenance". I was able to send in all of Malphage's planet coords that I had :twisted: (and rishard's when the same thing happened to him unfortunately nothing was done for him). Guess it means that any of us could just disappear at the next maintenance... I suggest you keep a list of your planets, if they had a moon or not... even the moon size just to give them more info, I also suggest that you have one person you trust, if there is such a thing in this game, have a list of your planets info. In the mean time :twisted: I also have the list ;)

The sad thing is, this happened hours before the server maintenance happened. I logged off after an attack i made and took a nap for a bit when I tried to log back on to do a few more hits I was told that my username and/or password were incorrect, found that I had an email from defiant asking what happened and that it looked like I had deleted my account or something. The other bad thing about it was the message he got from admin about it saying that I must have just gone inactive.
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

Re: SquirrelOnCrack [~V~] Vs malphage [AZG] 1.403.685.000

Witchywoman wrote:The game went down a couple of times *shrugs* only one popped up the server maintenance message. I am glad you at least got your account back, which is more than the others got even though admin was informed I know for sure on one of them. I wish you luck in getting your fleet etc back.

Yeah you wouldn't believe how much I actually lost what with a huge Level drop in Techs and the building loss from that drop and defenses and so on it's ridiculous. Guess thats how they "fix" things around here.
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.