I was farmig T_F everyday before we agreed to NAP with them. Even if the NAP was broken and we didn't go to war we would still farm them this just lifts the bashing rule. Also, they are the ones that threatened War we are just giving um what they asked for.Squirrel wrote:Haha, this is comical! I thought there was something funny about this war, I knew you guys were allies. And you come to ~V~ looking for a NAP while at war with AZG? I mean, you are stepping in on our war now (AFTER we weakened them significantly, almost nothing left and you guys cant handle the few fleets that are left).
And to think this is what happens to an alliance you an NAP with before?!
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. They are, are enemy they are also your enemy, understand? Whether your playing Zorgempire or WoW or your in actual combat the same philosophies apply. Only natural we would ask for a NAP with you since we are at war with the same people.