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A help guide for new members of zorg empire

Hello my name is john in zorg empire and i am here to help.
when i first started zorg empire i didn't know what to do, what to research and what to build.

First of all you need energy to power mines to produce Resources : Energy - Solar Plant

Metal, the main resource needed for just about everything. Metal -Metal Mine

Crystal, the second most important resource needed for ships and defense. Crystal - Crystal Mine

Deuterium, the third resource needed for research and fuel for ships. Deuterium - Deuterium Mine
Build in this order

Basic Buildings

1. Solar Plant (Level 1)
2. Metal Mine (Level 1)
3. Metal Mine (Level 2)
4. Solar Plant (Level 2)
5. Metal Mine (Level 3)
6. Metal Mine (Level 4)
7. Solar Plant (Level 3)
8. Crystal Mine (Level 1)
9. Metal Mine (Level 5)
10. Solar Plant (Level 4)
11. Crystal Mine (Level 2)
12. Crystal Mine (Level 3)
13. Solar Plant (Level 5)
14. Deuterium Synthesizer (Level 1)
15. Crystal Mine (Level 4)
16. Solar Plant (Level 6)
17. Metal Mine (Level 6)
18. Metal Mine (Level 7)
19. Solar Plant (Level 7)
20. Crystal Mine (Level 5)
21. Deut. Synth. (Level 2)
22. Solar Plant (Level 8 )
23. Deut. Synth. (Level 3)
24. Deut. Synth. (Level 4)
25. Deut. Synth. (Level 5) 80% in the resource screen

Advance Buildings

26. Robotics Factory (Level 1)
27. Research Lab (Level 1)
28. Robotic Factory (Level 2)


29. Energy Tech (Level 1)
30. Shipyard
31. Solar Plant (Level 9)
32. Combustion Drive(Level 1)
33. Crystal Mine (Level 6)
34. Shipyard (Level 2)
35. Deut. Synth. (Level 6) (80%)
36. Combustion Drive(Level2

So what next

As many members will tell you, mining can't get you resources instantly. So what do you do?
First of all you will need to build a Small Cargo Ship, then you click on the "Galaxy button" and browse for a planet where the player has an (i) by his name. EG. foxman(i). This means he is inactive. From now on use this planet as a farm.

Next, you will need to build more Buildings, Fleet and Research this add up to a total number of points you can check on this at the overview screen this will determine your place on the ranking board and the main thing an Alliance will look for when recruiting.


Try an get into the highest possible ranked alliance to find out the best alliances go to the ranking screen but change search from players to alliances but i going to tell you what the top five alliances are:
Top 5 Alliances
4.The Fraternity

Try to find the most info on an Alliance you can before applying.
To apply click the alliance button in your account then type in the name of the alliance in search bar, then fill out the application and sent it you hear back from them it will be a yes or a no if yes well done if no build up your Buildings, Fleet and Research to get your total up and reply in 5 days.
Last edited by defender 51 on Sun Jun 14, 2009 8:01 am, edited 5 times in total.