A~O Alliance will not disband

i'm now provisional leader of Alpha~Omega Alliance,
we hv lost rukai as a leader. it is a sad news because he is really a good guy,
but THE ALLIANCE COUNCIL has already vote and we decide to stay and help each other to organize A~O alliance, so there will be NO disbanded A~O alliance.

we have so much a good guy that willing to work and help each other in this hard time,
we're going to make a vote for a new leader this week.
all of A~O alliance will hv a rights to vote.

until then i VALADEVA and XAR will be incharge

and we still OPENLY RECRUIT for a new member

Re: A~O Alliance will not disband

some of you will notice that the old A~O had become 'forsaken' alliance, its just some transition because theres a glitch at menage member panel, the rank system and also transfer alliance function :evil: .
so we dicide to move A~O alliance to a new room and transfer all member manually.

new A~O alliance still recruiting for new or veteran player who willing to work together