Re: fraternity always open welcome

Black1 is still the leader of The Fraternity, it's on their mainpage. Curtis, what's wrong with an ordinary member working to better their alliance by posting in the forums? I think that says a lot about their alliance.

As far as I'm concerned, The Fraternity is an amazing group of emperors/emperesses who strive to be the best that they can. I encourage people who are looking for options in joining alliances to read up on this one; I don't think you would regret it.

Also, I'm looking forward to your voting process, Nearlawliet, on a possible NAP between my alliance - Azure Wings - and yours :).
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: fraternity always open welcome

Gale wrote: Curtis, what's wrong with an ordinary member working to better their alliance by posting in the forums? I think that says a lot about their alliance.
Gale, I really don't think he was implying there was anything wrong with it. It looks to me as if he was asking a question out of curiousity. Although I must say that I would have questioned with a pm, instead of doing it on a recruiting post for their alliance. There has been enough of that and people are starting to get warnings by the mods for it. So shall we refrain from further conversation in this topic that is not relevant to their recruiting by their alliance and for players wishing to join them?
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!

Re: fraternity always open welcome

First of all, Witch, it's good to talk to you again :) . I guess I typed that sentence in an odd way when I should've typed it like this:

"What's wrong with an alliance member trying to help out :D?"

It was more of a "haha :lol: !" than a "what are you THINKING?! :x ", y'know? I can see why someone would've taken it in the wrong way. Sorry =], I'll be careful with the way and tone I type.

As for the mods; I don't see what's wrong with anything that anyone typed in this topic?...could you clarify that? (I'm blonde in rl =S, so I don't get much of the obvious stuff, lol).
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________