Re: New Universe - 10 years Anniversary

What I am thinking is that you can avoid ninjas in this way. For example, let's say that you want to attack planet X but you are worried of getting a ninja there.

You set an attack to a nearby planet and a few minutes before impact, you change the target.

In this way, you reduce the chances of finding defense there.
Besides Ninja, attacks can become surprising in this way.

Re: New Universe - 10 years Anniversary

Been a bit busy and forgot about this great topic.
@Zorg - yes, factory planets are ment to reward you with ships only, no resources.

I reviewed the notes for the new Universe - Jupiter. I had something going trough my mind, but the new homeworld ruby options beat me to it. Never the less I intend still to share this.

An issue that arises with games is to keep the interest of new players. In the beginning of an universe it is ruff, players sometimes get a few buildings and quit or not even get there at all. A smart way for this to be avoided is to give them a purpouse, at least a small one with some rewards. One option is to introduce a questline to follow the basics - get technologies, ships, building and defense goals, hell even a points goal. Make it a bit better than the current 10 step tutorial.

Now the above will take a lot of time for development I guess and it may not make it to the final cut when it comes to Jupiter launch. However there is another option - give free rewards. Introduce a daily login callendar for each new player. There are a lot of games that have a 7-day login bonus, we could use that as well, but in my mind 14 or 21 days is the ultimate goal (I had stored in my mind that the player gets a free moon on the homeworld planet at the last day). Each account starts with 10 rubies - that's not the most optimal way, especially for a new player. Zorg rubies can be slipped up in those rewards for various days achievemnts. Here are some toughts I had about the rewards, at least for the first week:
1. Building queue increase for X days (I'd imagine 3 to 7 to help with the beginning of development)
2. A stack of resources (500k/300k/125k)
3. Metal production boost for 7 days.
4. Small fleet (50 probes, 20 LF, 10 HF, 25 LCs)
5. Free merchant
6. Crystal production boost for 7 days.
7. 10 zorg rubies.
14. 25 rubies
21 Homeworld moon - 5000-6000 size

Another topic I would like to bring is an update to highscore tables. An year ago I asked for total raider's loot highscore just like attackers and defenders. On top of my mind now also comes a request for a count of captured/raided exoplanets, this will also be an interesting statistic to flex about and to look at.

I also have an idea for additional planet:
Zorg Masterplanet:
It will be limited to 1 and it will appear in interval between 7 and 14 days. The planet will be available for 24 hours only. Upon capture the planet will generate 5 rubies/hour until someone else captures it or it expires.
Twist: The Zorg Masterplanet cannot be lanxed. That means you will not be aware who already has fleet on it's way untill you land on it.

Re: New Universe - 10 years Anniversary

Just an addition for somebody that is having trouble registering in the forums. They've asked me to relay this as they cannot post without being registered to do so. Obviously with this in mind, they've ask me to post their thoughts on somethings for this new server.

Short but sweet, verbatim. "ask them to include voyagers and storage dens in the new uni"

So, something from Re-loaded that they feel might be a good addition to a new server.

"Nightstalk, leader of The Hidden Blades in reloaded uni"

Re: New Universe - 10 years Anniversary

There was an issue with users registration at the forums - it is now fixed.
The voyagers/storage dens will be included.

We can add a raiders table for sure, we can include this at the rest of the universes as well later.
I will soon present the exoplanets details which should include some of what you are visioning.

One of the matters we have for debate is the game speed in terms of building. Newcomers might get frustrated early on. We have decided to start them all with Building Queue activated from day 1 and for free for the 3 first days. Then it is about speed like I said.

Most players like it to be fast but it is not always best for long term. However, a fast universe in construction with slow fleet speed, might give us the perfect scenario for a newcomer friendly universe.

Re: New Universe - 10 years Anniversary

I would say include all the approved suggestions. I would also say take out public score all together, and just show rank. I feel like that is the best of both worlds no easy hunting while also maintaining the element of surprise. Also maybe scrap the planet cap and just let the cost of the tech be the cap. A new defensive unit would be great lunar cannon or something that gets a lil RF against RIPS.

Re: New Universe - 10 years Anniversary

Ephemeral wrote:
Thu Feb 21, 2019 1:57 am
I would say include all the approved suggestions. I would also say take out public score all together, and just show rank. I feel like that is the best of both worlds no easy hunting while also maintaining the element of surprise. Also maybe scrap the planet cap and just let the cost of the tech be the cap. A new defensive unit would be great lunar cannon or something that gets a lil RF against RIPS.
I am personally against this part for long term reasons. As look at someone like Overdose in Reloaded. By now he could have probably have more than 20 planets if he was to focus on that tech.
Happy Hunting and Fly Safe

Re: New Universe - 10 years Anniversary

I think the ideas put forward by Ephemeral are generally good ideas. It certainly would make the game more interesting.

Warning issued. As I said previously, I’ve generally tried to refrain from moderating posts directed at me, but this is a clear case of mod baiting. Please refrain from mod baiting. Furthermore, please refrain from editing out moderator commentary on your posts. If you have an issue with things I have said, take it up with me personally or at least on the relevant post to avoid polluting the rest of the forums. If you have an issue with my actions as a moderator or the fact that I am a mod, keep it private and take it up with me or Zorg. Thanks so much. -Pulsar
Last edited by Ozymandias on Sat Apr 27, 2019 10:57 am, edited 2 times in total.

Re: New Universe - 10 years Anniversary

I've had an idea for a while about Solar Plants. Much like how solar sats change value of how much energy the give based on distance from center of the system, what if regular Solar Plants (the building) also changed how much energy they gave based on distance (like planet order 1-15). This would be compensated for by perhaps a buff to the fusion reactor so that farther planets from the center can rely more on the fusion reactor since they naturally make more deuterium (or perhaps buff this bonus as well, making even more deut the farther you are from the sun in order to counteract the increased use of the fusion reactor). I feel this would create a more dynamic situation when deciding how to power your planets, and it would perhaps affect which planets you would be interested in colonizing, especially with the new restrictions on how many planets you can own and how quickly you can colonize them from the start.

I'm an older user that has just gotten back into the game, I was around about 10 years ago back when it was just the standard server, and I'm glad I found this forum. I plan to be a bit more active on here and bring up some suggestions I've had over the years, if you all are interested.

Also, perhaps making some of the earlier ships more worth it to build by buffing certain RF numbers could be interesting and helpful to newbies. What if some of the earlier ships like Light Fighters/Heavy Fighters/Cruisers had bonuses against certain other SPECIFIC higher up ships like Destroyers and Bombers?

I don't know how reasonable any of these ideas are, as I'm pretty new to the forums here, but this is my initial 2 cents :)

Re: New Universe - 10 years Anniversary

Thanks for fixing the forum issue, I've independently tried to reach out about this to no avail. Thanks mightyoz!

I have an idea regarding fleet saving to make it more "easy" to newer players.
I think it can fit very well, maybe even to existing servers. While It is somewhat a big change, it's not a game changer in my opinion.

So the idea is to have an option to recall a fleet at 100% speed, regardless of initial speed. This way you can send off your fleet to a distant place at 1%, and when you get back online recall it at 100% and be less obligated to very SPECIFIC times when you log back.
I think this part of the fleet saving (always get back right when you fleet saved) is the most signifacnt element that restricts players from staying at the game. You usually want to play when you want to play, and not have it the other way around.

Obviously, this has to have some restrictions. Those are in my mind, and it's open in the air:
1. You have to send the fleet with this option from the start. It's more logical.
2. Make the deut cost like 100% speed, or even double the 100% speed amount (regardless of current %speed). This rewards players that can handle fleet saving without it, And newbie players usually don't value deuterium as high as the other resources at first.
3. This option is available ONLY on the forward trip. On the return trip, the fleet is locked on its destination course, so ninjas are still up in the air (Kinda hinted from its name, an option to RECALL).
4. Optional - Make this mission cost 2 Fleet slots, and maybe open it only after Computer tech 4. (More processing power is needed to calculate such changes in the course).

This method has both pros and cons. It costs more deut, and you will get your fleet only a while after you recall it back, so fleet saving in the "classic way" has lots of advanteges over this one. The upside, is that you can dictate when you want to have a Zorg session and play. It's a bit wierd that the game requires you to commit to when you will be back again next. And what if I have some IRL things that suddenly need my attention then?

I'd really like to hear your opinions about this. For me at least, as a returning player that (today) has a rough daily schedule, it's the most annoying part of the game. Currently I'm still planning to grow in the game and reach for the top, but if something will make me quit - it is this aspect, and I believe to many of the other players that have left over the years - both new and veteran.