Re: Petition for Top 20 Hits list

There's other considerations to make- not the least of which is the administration of the list. Top Ten is hard enough (especially when only one moderator is available).

Secondly- who ever heard of a Top 20 list anyway? No one but those people getting Top 20 HoFs cares. Seriously. The list is pretty narcissistic to begin with. Even the log in page limits the display of top players to 10.

I will gladly fill in for Istalris should the need arise to maintain a Top 10 list. But Top 20? Forget it.

Re: Petition for Top 20 Hits list

Who said it had to be you that helped him update it Slash ?

Couldn't we just make one, and keep it updated ourselves ? If Istalris wants to be involved, thats his choice.
I mean, you don't have to be involved if you don't want to be, this shouldn't be something that seems like a second job.
"It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who
are willing to endure pain with patience."
- Julius Caesar

Re: Petition for Top 20 Hits list

Slash wrote:. The list is pretty narcissistic to begin with..
When I first suggested a top 20 list, my name would not have been on it. No narcissism there. Just a healthy interest in one of the more interesting aspects of the game. Actually, the list was created when RAWK had a bunch of Fleeters. Now most of them have had had their fleets destroyed and/or quit. The previous request was buried in another thread. I thought it deserved consideration of its own. Judging from most of the reaction so far, I believe I am in the majority on this one.

Neo made a good point in that the majority of the hits will be the same people. I concede that, though I think it will still provide an opportunity for players like Ista, Flyfoot and Nemesis-RAWK if he is indeed back to get on the list. In fact, I was inspired to make this thread as a result of a conversation of up and coming players. (Obviously, Istalris is one of the elite already.)

If time is a problem, I will volunteer to update the information in the appropriate format and PM it to Ista or whoever may be updating the information. That will reduce the time to a simple cut and paste operation. Istalris has been very good at updating it in a timely manner. However, if time is a constraint or a concern, it can be done once per week.

Flyfoot wrote:Who said it had to be you that helped him update it Slash ?

Couldn't we just make one, and keep it updated ourselves ? If Istalris wants to be involved, thats his choice.
I mean, you don't have to be involved if you don't want to be, this shouldn't be something that seems like a second job.
This is actually a great idea. The only problem I foresee is that the power to edit a post (the first page) usually expires after a certain amount of time. That is why I suggested the PM.
Last edited by Khan on Thu May 21, 2009 5:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

"You are in a position to demand nothing. I however, am in a position to grant nothing."

Khan Noonian Singh

Re: Petition for Top 20 Hits list

i say yes for top 20 list,maybe a seprate list for top ninjas that would b sweeeet..thx
what makes a man a man,is not how he starts stuff....but how he finishs it

Re: Petition for Top 20 Hits list

The tribe has spoken :D

I think 17 responses is a pretty good size sample considering the number of people that regularly post in the forums.

Khan YES
AmeOkami YES
Sadbutrue YES
Thatguyeric YES
Istalris NO
Witchywoman YES
Surrias YES
neoshagrath NO
Slash NO
Urweirdsaysi NO
Flyfoot YES
Lord_of_War YES
crippler4hm YES
AdmiralCole YES
Nemesis YES
LordRu YES

13 YES 4 NO

"You are in a position to demand nothing. I however, am in a position to grant nothing."

Khan Noonian Singh