Re: Planet size

Hi John. Depends on the server, but for my place, where I live, lol. 300 and above is okay. 350 and anything higher would be great. Other servers where resources are more abundant then I would imagine that it would be a lot higher. I would think that anything over 450-500 in any server would me brilliant.

Re: Planet size

The most I have built at one world is 313. It gives me scope to build more without relying on Terraformers.

At this time you have most probably not filled a world. As you say, you have three times my building score. Hopefully this game will stand the test of time. At that point you might find anything smaller was a mistake. Perhaps not. But if all your worlds are at least 300 building slots or more then in future you will not have this problem. Terraformers become uneconomical sooner rather than later. This way there is no problem.