Annoying posts by new ficticious account holders.

This is getting really, reall annoying! Over and over again these posts are appearing.

I always report them, eventually they get taken down. How does it happen? Perhaps limit forum accounts to players that have player accounts?

Also, when reporting thse nonsensical posts, there is an option. Inform me when action is taken yes or no. lol. What's the point in that? I always click yes, inform me, never once have I been informed. Zorg has stated on various occasions that you won't be notified when a report has been made, so why the option? Perhaps, here's a thought, do away with that option?

Re: Annoying posts by new ficticious account holders.

I often have to delete these types of posts multiple times a week. It is very annoying, I agree. I alway ban the corresponding usernames and IPs, but new posts from new users appear anyway.

I don't really have time to respond to all the reports every time I delete this type of spam, and I would imagine others don't either... Sorry, but that's the reality. The post is always removed as soon as I see it, often before anyone has even reported it.

One potential solution might be to require that new users have their first post approved by moderators before it appears. Once their first post is approved, they can make subsequent posts freely.