Re: Blue Sun corp declares war on Boris Intergalactic Crimin
#11Yeah i am not even reading it so why do you? 

Verrrrry slow of thought then.....lol Perhaps you should consider a name change in game, perhaps "Bullet"??Boris wrote:Yes you have a point there,
its because i like to think before i speak.
i have mentally challanged family members what is wrong with that, why point it out if you think he is, does it matter? i find that offensive and ask zorg to issue a warning ,mightyoz wrote:One attack of missiles (30) launched from [xxxxx] attacked the planet Mesa [xxxxx]
The Antibalistic Missiles have destroyed enemy Interplanetary missiles
Again, absolutely no damage. As a tactic, one would ask, WTF this guy is trying to achieve? lol.
I feel that he is perhaps somehow mentally challenged?
This guy does not raid, or if he does it is such a minimal amount, 5 minutes PER WEEK! lol.
He has no building score, so, the mines cannot be producing much although he has been playing for some considerable time.
The waste of resources. Surely it would be better to send it as some sort of charitable donation to some deserving newb? lol.
Mind you, I don't think BORES has the brain power to think of that, probably waking up in the morning is a serious challenge, lol.
Bzzz bzzzzzzzz bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
But, this is good. Any resources he gets, he wastes. There was talk a while ago about player awards. Now, there have been a few others, a considerable number in fact of very, very poor players. Should there be an award for the worst player ever?
I think that the leading candidate would be BORES, no question about that status, MWahahaaaaaaa!
Bzzz, bzzzzzzzzzz, bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz