Re: When you should really check your fleetsave ACS

I know the player who made the mistake, and he's been around for quite some time. It actually shows that this could happen if you don't pay attention to what you are doing.
But I like to see some points made here. Pulsar says this is unforgivable if you have the choice to let the attacker win. I'm probably a terrible person, but if someone attack me I'll do all I can to offer at least a bigger damage than the one I'm taking. Unforgivable, in my book, would be you taking damage without even attempting to defend yourself.
So, if a member of her alliance is reading this, you just found some new farms.

Re: When you should really check your fleetsave ACS

Fuches wrote:. Pulsar says this is unforgivable if you have the choice to let the attacker win. I'm probably a terrible person, but if someone attack me I'll do all I can to offer at least a bigger damage than the one I'm taking. Unforgivable, in my book, would be you taking damage without even attempting to defend yourself.
So, if a member of her alliance is reading this, you just found some new farms.
Certainly, the fact that oz would have taken significant damage if he had not taken action (which was not at all clear at the time of my previous post) changes my assessment of the matter. I might still have acted differently, but that is just me...

As to your suggestion that my alliance mates begin farming me... let's just say that if my teammates began to intentionally take advantage of me, they wouldn't remain teammates of mine for very long. But if you really think putting one's teammate before oneself when he/she has made an honest mistake is unforgivable... well, that's an area where I'd have to say we have a difference of opinion.

Re: When you should really check your fleetsave ACS

Ah now i see. So Fuches advices Pulsar's alliance mates to farm her because she has another opinion on the matter and then you back him up when i say that i wouldn't want such a player as a friend. Let's check Standard . Ah yes, you guys have a NAP. The guy that would destroy a friend's fleet when that friend makes a honest mistake and the mod that harasses like a boss in forums. Makes sense.... I'm done with this thread. I made my point. Have fun.


Re: When you should really check your fleetsave ACS

-MrSinister- wrote:Ah now i see. So Fuches advices Pulsar's alliance mates to farm her because she has another opinion on the matter and then you back him up when i say that i wouldn't want such a player as a friend. Let's check Standard . Ah yes, you guys have a NAP. The guy that would destroy a friend's fleet when that friend makes a honest mistake and the mod that harasses like a boss in forums. Makes sense.... I'm done with this thread. I made my point. Have fun.


No, we have a NAP against the normal policy of my alliance as Fuches alliance is for newb players. It's where newb players go to be safe. Even outside of their newb protection. We give them a chance, allow them to grow. We honour this NAP regardless. We are encouraging newb players to stay in the game.

I like your running away bit as well, you really are the sort of player that most wouldn't want in their alliances. I really hope you don't come back. But you will!! You can't help yourself, haha.


A little like a child in a playground, say something supposedly provocative then fleeeeeeee! Nah nah nah nah nah!! lol.

No doubt now the rattle of yours is truly out of the pram and you say you are off, you will be back! lol

Re: When you should really check your fleetsave ACS

As this is my topic and I feel it has run its course. The fact that Mrsinister THINKS he's made his point but has in fact made none at all and says he will not return, hmmmmm, then I feel it should now be closed. Although we will not be able to see anymore of Sinister's inane, meaningless ramblings, he has said he won't be back and has now stropped off.

So, topic now closed.