Did you, in that time that you were away put your account in to v mode?
Also, in all that time that you were away, you never logged in, even the once?
If indeed you did not enter v mode, then I would question the sense and logic of that.
Also, you pay for rubies, then vanish for a year or more. Where's the sense in that? Some may argue that unforeseen circumstances keep players away. But why would you expect your account to still be there when you decide to return? You can't expect something to be there forever more if you are away for a prolonged period of time.
Re: Long term inactives that still hold rubies.
#12I feel as though if I were to leave I would buy (or leave) rubies for the sake of keeping the account as a farm; reserving the right to return.
Re: Long term inactives that still hold rubies.
#13Ephemeral wrote:I feel as though if I were to leave I would buy (or leave) rubies for the sake of keeping the account as a farm; reserving the right to return.
So you would leave the game, reserving the right to return in another account to be able to farm the first account, correct?
Re: Long term inactives that still hold rubies.
#14mightyoz wrote:Ephemeral wrote:I feel as though if I were to leave I would buy (or leave) rubies for the sake of keeping the account as a farm; reserving the right to return.
So you would leave the game, reserving the right to return in another account to be able to farm the first account, correct?
No, I'd return to my original account and might scores a few free EC's
Re: Long term inactives that still hold rubies.
#15"No, I'd return to my original account and might scores a few free EC's"
I don't understand the last part, "scores a few free EC's". Can you clarify? Thanks.
I don't understand the last part, "scores a few free EC's". Can you clarify? Thanks.
Re: Long term inactives that still hold rubies.
#16Presuming I'd become a farm as my planets are able to actually store resources above 275k Then after deciding to return the best case scenario would be me to have a large resource pool on my planets and someone sending a single Elite Cargo to collect I'd try and ninja and take the DF.
Re: Long term inactives that still hold rubies.
#17Okay, thanks for the clarification.
I am not saying that would never happen but, I think for someone to get caught out like that then they would have to be seriously naive. BY the time a player gets to the level where they can produce EC's I would have thought they would be more capable than getting caught out by being tempted by a large resource pool by an active player.
Although, thinking about it, there are several players I could name in Standard that never seem to learn. One in particular, sends his fleet from an inactive world and gets phalanxed and ninja'd. Not knowing what has happened, does it again, then again, and for a final time, again!
But, these players you would hope are few and far between. But I digress.
Surely, if you invest in rubies, if you leave the game for any serious amount of time, you should put your account in to v mode. This being the original topic post.
I am not saying that would never happen but, I think for someone to get caught out like that then they would have to be seriously naive. BY the time a player gets to the level where they can produce EC's I would have thought they would be more capable than getting caught out by being tempted by a large resource pool by an active player.
Although, thinking about it, there are several players I could name in Standard that never seem to learn. One in particular, sends his fleet from an inactive world and gets phalanxed and ninja'd. Not knowing what has happened, does it again, then again, and for a final time, again!
But, these players you would hope are few and far between. But I digress.
Surely, if you invest in rubies, if you leave the game for any serious amount of time, you should put your account in to v mode. This being the original topic post.
Re: Long term inactives that still hold rubies.
#18unless you wanted to leave a farm for a few months?
Re: Long term inactives that still hold rubies.
#19Every account must be played to the best of your ability. Leaving it as a farm sort of negates that. If you are going away with the intention of returning, v mode therefore would be the only option.
Re: Long term inactives that still hold rubies.
#20I don't feel comfortable with farming a banned player. Years ago, a player named MOB spawned himself resources, ships and buildings. Regardless of whether the account is still around, I believe an account that has been compromised, ruins every aspect of that account. The resources might not be legit, or the mines might be unfair, or maybe they multi accounted and sped up their growth rate.
I do not believe banned accounts should be removed from VMode for us to farm. Rather we should remove them from the game entirely.
I do not believe banned accounts should be removed from VMode for us to farm. Rather we should remove them from the game entirely.