Re: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

Damn alot happens in 2 days when you're not online! :shock: - another couple of great hits (mostly by khan), AZG members getting more involved.... and another war declared on V... then surrendered as quickly as it started (wtf happened there???lol) :lol:

Anyways well said SOC (your last post) and SBT - how the hell did you find out about our WMD?? :?

As for rogue - was glad to see him getting more involved, he said alot of thruth in his posts - but he also blew it out of proportion and got carried away a bit - but let's all take what was said from all corners in the spirit of the game! At least no animals were harmed in the making of these posts :D (i hope)

Wars does have it's positive (it IS forcing us to learn quicker and play more efficiently (united)) and negative (13 AZG members has not only quit AZG but quit zorg because of the war). But you're right - it is a war-game and these things will happen!
I think this war is definately not only influencing V and AZG, but alot of other players in zorg as well - also learning from our mistakes etc.

Anyways i'll get back to the game (have some WMDs to move :lol: )

Good luck all!

Re: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

Sadbutrue wrote:AZG has Weapons of Mass Destruction!
Sad your still a dick!..
What ever AZG has I'm shore V alliance has it covered!!!..

Bellig.. ;)

It's ALLWAYS better to try than not tried at ALL!....;).. :)

Re: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

Sadbutrue wrote:also some of us talk smack(me) to provoke an attack
Position Player Alliance Points
1 Mintaka Write a message 2.188.898
2 Squirreloncrack Write a message Vengeance 1.693.801
3 sadbutrue Write a message Vengeance 1.360.575
4 Istalris Write a message RAWK 737.917
5 Res Write a message Vengeance 662.626
6 chokie Write a message Dacia 660.922
7 Lord_of_War Write a message Vengeance 658.838
8 Slash Write a message RAWK 555.604
9 Paradox Write a message NEMESIS 543.475
10 Belligerant Write a message AZGUARD 509.352

Sad?.. ranks change but who you think who cares top 10 ppl tend to leave alone
unless your a real dick... :D

Bellig.... ;)
It's ALLWAYS better to try than not tried at ALL!....;).. :)

Re: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

Belligerant wrote:
Sad?.. ranks change but who you think who cares top 10 ppl tend to leave alone
unless your a real dick... :D

Bellig.... ;)
Whats your deal?

Re: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

Is this war STILL going on? Damn :shock:
Sig by TG trigger.

Cops don't like me, so I don't like cops. ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne, ne ne ne ne ne ne, nenenenene PWNNN!!!

Re: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

kassler wrote:Is this war STILL going on? Damn :shock:
i think its about time you and your fraternity members help your wing alliance :twisted:

Re: ~V~ -Vs- AZG


i am hitting a lot of azg targets but i am too lazy to add them up and post them. squirrel is not happy with me
You can't stop me I'm on a boat!

Re: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

Ok nighthawk01 there will not be an end to this war just because you posted a topic asking for it. I hit at least 10 members a day that are in AZG but just because I dont post it on here doesnt mean it isnt happening. When I feel like I have made a hit worth posting then I will do it but until then I will continue to keep bashing AZG planets. Have a good day nighthawk and I will be seeing you...
Only the dead have seen the end of war. ~Plato