Re: Increasing PVP

Sorry wife called me 2nd half I thought save in daft
Raiding. Alone can not give the resources. Needed to build up mines research can get costly higher level which u need to build to keep up hitting fleet gives resources. Needed but that hard when there's not lot of players the same level as you having a higher level of resources regeneration and maybe one or two extra. Planets standard and speed you get ten (11 if you have ruby the extra one) or increase storage massacre,standard,speed, are 550k xtreme is 1.1m more resources can build up

Re: Increasing PVP

Again, we all understand the storage facilities. The problem is production amount. What you say about increasing the level of mines is fair enough perhaps in other server it is fine. Again, Standard, not the case.

Spending, amongst other resources 300 + million deut to give yourself an extra 10k per hour deut production is not the answer.
11 worlds, all producing 55k deut, 24 hours would give you approximately 1.3 million deut. To increase that to another 10k per hour, per world would cost 3.3 billion deut! Let alone the metal and crystal needed. Fine, to raid that amount would take, in the most barren server, how long ?

It just isn't feasible.