Rest In Peace, speed server

I saw the same thing happen in Standard. But it goes in cycles. It will, hopefully pick up. But, by going to V mode, are you not guilty, to a degree, of making it less active?

This is not me pointing fingers, accusing, just stating facts. If everyone thought the same, went to v mode. Any newbs coming to the game whilst you are blue, they might not bother staying if there is no activity from anyone. TO be active, the game needs activity, going blue, no activity. The game is what the players make it.

Re: Rest In Peace, speed server

The talk of servers dying is always over the top. Standard as an instance. Now there is the one million points new player protection. I have not seen the server as busy for a long time. Only problem is that we cannot give moon shots to those newer players.

Talking with these newer players, a lot more seem to want to stay. Those who find my server of choice too slow, I redirect them over to Speed or Massacre. They want faster, they get it, lol.