Fleet Hangar

Here is an idea that I had after playing the Generals Tournament Server. What if in all servers you could build a fleet hangar on each planet that would protect a small amount of your fleet? It would be similar to the Storage Den from Generals. It would simply allow players to leave a (small..like 5k-50k I'm not talking about being able to hide a 1M point fleet) fleet on a planet while away.

I know that some players want to have a raiding fleet, but keeping up with regular fleet saving becomes very dull and makes it hard to go and do spur of the moment things in real life.

For example: your small 30k raiding fleet is set to return from your fleet save in 20 mins and you are sitting around waiting for it to land so that you can either raid for an hour or send it off again until you will be back. However, your best friends messages you in RL saying that they are leaving right now to go and see a movie. You really want to go with them, because it is the premier of the new Star Wars movie, but you also don't want to lose your fleet. Now you have a dilemma....obviously RL is more important, so you choose to go with your friends and come back to having lost your fleet. :( However, if a Fleet Hangar was an option, and the planet that your fleet was about to land on had a hangar big enough for a 10k fleet, than you would only lose part of your fleet...or if you had upgraded it to hold a 40k fleet, then you wouldn't lose your fleet at all!

I am not going to suggest how the exact details would work out like which ships get priority if your fleet is larger than your hangar...or how much should it cost? is there a max size? those are the gritty details...

I am just suggesting that we have a discussion about implementing a Fleet Hangar similar to the Storage Den from Generals, so that if you need to go do something in RL, you will at least have a small fleet when you return.

Re: Fleet Hangar

Being unable to deny raiding fleet makes the game more of an idle simulator. The skill in the game is being able to Fleet save keep your fleet off points and raid around it. Not have the game tutor'd to your needs.
The game only keeps a small margin of new players for a reason.

Re: Fleet Hangar

If this was to happen I suggest only on your main planet...not all 21 colonies (Extreme server) for obvious reasons ....and a very minimal fleet to be safe ......maybe even just for players in noob protection (to avoid Greek the Meek taking advantage again)......resources saved could also be an issue ....

Re: Fleet Hangar

It's a good suggestion for a 20k fleet. Not everybody can sit 24/7 in front of his computer...
I don't need this but i can understand new players wanting to be able to have a life knowing that they have a safe place for their raid fleet. And of course 1 hangar per player, preferably on their main planet. This will not upset gameplay imho..

Re: Fleet Hangar

Yes, there definitely needs to be limitations put in place on the Fleet Hangar if it is going to be implemented.

I agree that the art of fleet saving is key to this game. I have a fleet and fleet save all of the time. This is more of a way to keep more people playing the game. I have thought about leaving, because I don't like how much I taylor my life to fit this game (as in, I will schedule things in my life based on my fleet return haha). If anything the game should be more accessible to the average joe who works from 8am-5pm.

This would allow smaller players (or even big players without big fleets), to keep a small raiding fleet on their planet so that they can log in and out whenever they please and be able to do a little raiding and grow.

I was thinking definitely have a cap on the size of the hangar, big enough for a small raiding fleet (10k-70k...somewhere in there). It would be silly to allow someone to hide a 1M point fleet...or a 150M point fleet.

I think it would either need to be limited to 1 Hangar on the main planet which can be upgraded to fit a less than 100k fleet...or each planet can have a hangar, but the size cap of the hangar is determined by the server. This would mean that in Xtreme, with 21 planets, if each planet could have a Hangar, then the hangar size would smaller...like big enough for a 10k fleet...if each planet had that, the player could hide a 210k fleet (maybe too big, but not unreasonable). On speed server, then it would be max 11 planets...so equivalently about a 20k fleet size hangar....

just some thoughts. I don't think improving the game to make it easier to fit into people's lives is a bad thing...since we are dealing with small fleets it would not change the fact that fleeters need to know how to fleet save.

Re: Fleet Hangar

Good words Daveynator, clear and concise.

Like you said, different for every server. Standard, it's 1 point for every 1000 resources spent. So, 200k fleet points is a big fleet. Perhaps a cap there of 25k. Others servers, different amounts.