how to be a good miner ?

Oky so minein isn't really my playing style I do have good mines on my main server but planets ar far from each other ... I have recently joined massacre and I was thinking of being a miner their ... But one thing if noticed about miners is thy place all their planets in one galaxy is it a good idea with some planets having low fields .... So if anyone can tell me how I could be a miner without sitiing with planets with 160 or less fields

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Re: how to be a good miner ?

the only reason i would even consider putting all my planets in one system, or even more than one, is if I wanted to try and minimize the chance of others putting in roamers in the same galaxy. so I would have to fill up ALL the remaining spots in the system. even then I doubt it is usually worth it. It does not give you much extra time, and unless it is a pretty big fleet, I kinda doubt the attacker will need a roamer right in the same system, as opposed to the next one over.

If you intend to be able to reach out to other players, either to trade resources, crash stuff, or raid, it works better to still spread out in all the galaxies. At least for me. (the few times I tried clumping my planets on new accounts, I found my growth stifled, and ended up moving my planets anyway)

I might point out that it is largely the FARMS that clump together a lot. the good miners tend to do other things too. iirc megamedes, spacemanspiff, destruction, and many other GOOD players, with high level mines, are very spread out. among all the galaxies.
RL has been a b****. maybe for once I can stay around long enough to make a name for myself...

~the V-mode Fleeter~

Re: how to be a good miner ?

-MrSinister- wrote:Yes, do you have another comment beside asking what other people's comments are?

Hahahahahaaa, Classic!! ALlso a very good point.

Whatever style of play that is decided upon, I would seriously question the wisdom of putting all your worlds in one system.

Doing that would be a case of literally "Putting all your eggs in one basket".

As a raider and farmer, I would consider that to be a very tempting proposition. In fact I should be encouraging that style of play, lol. But, in the interests of fairness I would advise against it.

Re: how to be a good miner ?

Servers wouldn't die if you big guys would let the little ones grow. Don't attack green. Even if you can. Plus if you don't get the fields you want, just abandon and try again tomorrow. In the beginning I usually make 5 or 6 colonies then keep the biggest one, or the one that has the stats I'm looking for.