Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Enchanter[Moc] ~TD~ 2.751.937.500

Greek wrote:the topic is Gozar[AZGD] vs Enchanter[Moc] ~TD~ 2.751.937.500 please mightyoz,,,,,,,stay on topic !!!!!

and a LOL for sprog as a gift
The only gift I want is you staying out of vmode for a couple of months. Easy for a player to exit vmode yet hide in noob protection with a 2.6 million fleet lol.....something needs changing in game to stop players like you hitting new players trying to make their way in the game before they jump into the big league (ie. over 200k points)....that was as much "on topic" as your post before you start complaining....again! Btw here's your teddy, found it after you launched it from your pram.....that's the most you've launched in days!!! :D

Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Enchanter[Moc] ~TD~ 2.751.937.500

Greek wrote:first of all i have nothing to apologise to you guys i just play when i have free time and sprog do u call yourself noob?cause i can show them a lot of reports from u here ,can u post at least one?
the only thing u do is espionage and tell gozar to hit and poor gozar just waste deut

and watch your mouth when u talk about me sprog lol
Well u always seem to be lurking here or in game yet vmode most of the time. So it's not like u have little free time truth be known. Why would I call myself noob for anyway seeing as u asked? Post one what? You talk in riddles and make no sense whatsoever....and so what if I pass a hit to alliance team mate...that's common place and called team play...if anyone is nearer than me to a hit I let them go for it...if it is Gozar then so be it.... As for "watch your mouth" LMAO.....did u really just say that? Is there a threat of sorts in amongst that gibberish? If so then bring it......personally I let my fleet do the talking....not the keyboard with idle threats :D

Apologies for going off topic btw.....was just replying lol.....Greek take it to UoH if u feel the need to continue this :twisted:

Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Enchanter[Moc] ~TD~ 2.751.937.500

Greek wrote:bla bla bla i see mail attacks but never fleet attacks

and for were closer to me than gozar to attack me

Mail attacks? See, even your postman hates if I didn't attack you but was closer that means one of two things.....either I had no deut in place unlike Gozar or my fleet was in the go LOLOLOL on that LOL :lol: