Re: DemonPrince [Empire] vs Gumppy [Chosen] 86.045.918.200

Public to domain, to post relevance is one thing, just doing things because you hate and like to harass a certain player is another. Read the rules, Harassment in any kind won't be tolerated, yet you keep doing it. You also show your ignorance time and time again.

You better get back to defense bashing though, would hate to see anyone else on that server grow.
They may not like me, but they've gotta respect me!

Re: DemonPrince [Empire] vs Gumppy [Chosen] 86.045.918.200

Lol, deflection. I love it. A player get absolutely caned.

They leave their fleet sitting, it gets absolutely creamed, smashed, demolished in what was a monster hit, oooooohhhhh how that hurt, lol.

Deflection, pass it on to someone else because that hurt is soooo great, lol. We get the "You didn't do this, you haven't done that." chat. But that's okay, it's not the point in question. The fact is, you were mullered!

"You didn't do this, you haven't done that." I tell you what I would have done, fleetsaved! lol.

But alas, nope, you didn't. Hence this lovely combat report to look at and savour. And, it is very nice to look at.

Re: DemonPrince [Empire] vs Gumppy [Chosen] 86.045.918.200

Haha, more deflection, was she helping with your homework?

So, if this was planned, you knew this "female" was coming over, doesn't it compound the fact that, knowing this was happening, that you should have made your stuff safe????

Also, quite comical, Megamedes stated that you'd fallen asleep, you must have really been showing this "female" a really wild time!

ROCK ON, PARTY TIME!!!! ZZZZzZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Re: DemonPrince [Empire] vs Gumppy [Chosen] 86.045.918.200

No need for me to learn, been there, done that.

An admission there, someone's coming over, I know this, I 'd better get this safe, or shall I leave it to get caned? Yep, that's definitely a better idea!! Let's get crashed, BIG TIME! Haha.


Anyhoo, although I am enjoying this banter, I am REALLY, REALLY enjoying this, lol, I'm off out.

I will check in by phone, look at the CR, AGAIN, keep me smiling all night.