I like the notion of military bases, but there definitely needs to be a cap on how many a player can possess for the reasons mentioned by others (someone plugging up a system or even a bunch of systems in a row just to protect themselves from attacks, etc... there's even a possibility that the game might run out of room).
Also, don't neglect the impact a reduction in the total number of colonies with mines will have on the game, in that it will slow everyone's growth. Every point every player in the game earns ultimately came from someone's mines at the beginning. Fewer colonies with mines means less food for miners and raiders, which in turn means means less food for fleeters and slower growth for everyone. Just something to keep in mind, and why I would suggest that the cap on colonies with mines should be greater than five.
Re: New Universe Discussion
#72maybe have 2 battle planets if the uni going on the same as speed or mass i think we will have to have 11 planets for mines research and ship building whats the point of having lots of battle planets when can not support them with res and ships and placeing roamer and SPENDING RUBIES not all having battle planets will cost the game income so for me dont like it the best fleeters like the chase of roamers jumping in fleet moving res in time this part of the game which keep fleeters playing
Re: New Universe Discussion
#73I like the Idea of military bases. I think the new uni if it does have planet cap should be 21 like xtreme. I think a new uni should have the best of each server all in one. maybe military bases can be a tech? each level you can have 1 more base. I think the bases should be treated as a moon so they could be a roamer having the same buildings as a moon just harder to destroy than a moon or make them temporary such as once you place one it auto destroys after 3 days and once its destoyed you cant use that 1 military base slot for 24 hours. I like them as a cheaper roamer and being able to place 21 perm planets and not having to keep some slots open for roamers will be nice. if they auto destroy after 3 days it would stop people from spamming systems with them and with them being a tech it would be to costly to do it as well.
Re: New Universe Discussion
#74Late to the discussion here, but I'm excited for this new universe, and will, for one, register as soon as I see it up (assuming, of course, that it doesn't encounter problems day 1 of launch). Let's make this one as great as possible! Even if there aren't any revolutionary features, it'll be fun all the same.
Member of Allied Habitable Space
Re: New Universe Discussion
#75The NEW universe needs to be DIFFERENT from the exsisting universes , or else you ll just have players moving servers and abandoing others .
Here's one thing which I've noticed : your raiding and have nothing to do ... Or your fleets away and you also have nothing to do ...
Thus i suggest implementing commanders .
Each player has 1 commander .
You can earn exp by clicking on randomly generated 'missions' , which each takes 30 min prehaps to complete (time left can be viewed in the commander tab , it runs in the background ) then awards the exp to the commander .
This increases your commanders level (level exp requirements are exponential )
Every time you level up , you are allocated , say , 3 points .
These points can be used to increase the following by a set % (say 1 point = +1%)
Points could be spent on:
-Increasing building speed (max points allocated = 20?)
-Increasing research speed (max points allocated = 20?)
-Decreasing fuel consuption (max 10)
etc ... Thus being on often will allow you to gain slight bonuses for your empire (due to exponitial level curve requirments it wouldnt be op )
I would avoid being able to boost wepons or mines , so theyre more of utilly upgrades to make your life easier .
It could be expanded and improved , but i think this would be a great thing to make the universe more dynamic and encourage players to stick round more
Edit : i had another idea
When your in an alliance , a small % of exp you earn could go towards the alliance exp , alliances could gain exp from their members and slowly level up .
Higher level alliances could provide a small benifit or ability to the players (thus encouraging alliances and active players and for players to not jump from alliance to alliance )
What do you guys think
Here's one thing which I've noticed : your raiding and have nothing to do ... Or your fleets away and you also have nothing to do ...
Thus i suggest implementing commanders .
Each player has 1 commander .
You can earn exp by clicking on randomly generated 'missions' , which each takes 30 min prehaps to complete (time left can be viewed in the commander tab , it runs in the background ) then awards the exp to the commander .
This increases your commanders level (level exp requirements are exponential )
Every time you level up , you are allocated , say , 3 points .
These points can be used to increase the following by a set % (say 1 point = +1%)
Points could be spent on:
-Increasing building speed (max points allocated = 20?)
-Increasing research speed (max points allocated = 20?)
-Decreasing fuel consuption (max 10)
etc ... Thus being on often will allow you to gain slight bonuses for your empire (due to exponitial level curve requirments it wouldnt be op )
I would avoid being able to boost wepons or mines , so theyre more of utilly upgrades to make your life easier .
It could be expanded and improved , but i think this would be a great thing to make the universe more dynamic and encourage players to stick round more
Edit : i had another idea

When your in an alliance , a small % of exp you earn could go towards the alliance exp , alliances could gain exp from their members and slowly level up .
Higher level alliances could provide a small benifit or ability to the players (thus encouraging alliances and active players and for players to not jump from alliance to alliance )
What do you guys think

Re: New Universe Discussion
#76like others have said, these military bases would largely be excuses to have more moons. for some playstyles, the mines seem less important, and as such they would be happy to effectively increase their planet cap.
it is better to start with a small number of allowed military bases, and later increase the cap if deemed truly necessary. to do the inverse would p.o. a lot of people and be a headache for everyone.
the military bases could potentially be used for trying a new building idea, if there are any, just so that they may be easier to balance
it is better to start with a small number of allowed military bases, and later increase the cap if deemed truly necessary. to do the inverse would p.o. a lot of people and be a headache for everyone.
the military bases could potentially be used for trying a new building idea, if there are any, just so that they may be easier to balance
RL has been a b****. maybe for once I can stay around long enough to make a name for myself...
~the V-mode Fleeter~
~the V-mode Fleeter~
Re: New Universe Discussion
#77Nautilus<>Zero wrote:The NEW universe needs to be DIFFERENT from the exsisting universes , or else you ll just have players moving servers and abandoing others .
Here's one thing which I've noticed : your raiding and have nothing to do ... Or your fleets away and you also have nothing to do ...
Thus i suggest implementing commanders .
Each player has 1 commander .
You can earn exp by clicking on randomly generated 'missions' , which each takes 30 min prehaps to complete (time left can be viewed in the commander tab , it runs in the background ) then awards the exp to the commander .
This increases your commanders level (level exp requirements are exponential )
Every time you level up , you are allocated , say , 3 points .
These points can be used to increase the following by a set % (say 1 point = +1%)
Points could be spent on:
-Increasing building speed (max points allocated = 20?)
-Increasing research speed (max points allocated = 20?)
-Decreasing fuel consuption (max 10)
etc ... Thus being on often will allow you to gain slight bonuses for your empire (due to exponitial level curve requirments it wouldnt be op )
I would avoid being able to boost wepons or mines , so theyre more of utilly upgrades to make your life easier .
It could be expanded and improved , but i think this would be a great thing to make the universe more dynamic and encourage players to stick round more
Edit : i had another idea
When your in an alliance , a small % of exp you earn could go towards the alliance exp , alliances could gain exp from their members and slowly level up .
Higher level alliances could provide a small benifit or ability to the players (thus encouraging alliances and active players and for players to not jump from alliance to alliance )
What do you guys think
I think the Exp points is a good idea...more even the the Alliance bonuses when donating Exp points. However, it should depend on what the player wants to donate and not a set %. The bonuses should be set on a fixed number of donated Exp points. Also the bonuses should be res production, flight time bonuses. build time bonuses. Not the WSA . Still talking about Alliance bonuses...

Re: New Universe Discussion
#78I'm not sure that randomly generated missions granting experience points is the best way to go about it. While it's not directly detrimental to the game, the idea that experience points - and the benefits (although minor) that go along with it - essentially are given out at random might take away from its attractiveness. It would be as if experience points were resources to be collected, except with only minor benefits, and they have to be actively collected as well. Active collection presents a potential benefit in that it would force players to check their accounts more often, but with the low reward, I feel that the motivation to do so is largely diminished.
Member of Allied Habitable Space
Re: New Universe Discussion
#79at the same time, the alliance bonuses cannot be too large, either, because it will kill the loners 

RL has been a b****. maybe for once I can stay around long enough to make a name for myself...
~the V-mode Fleeter~
~the V-mode Fleeter~
Re: New Universe Discussion
#80Perhaps, if this experience point idea would be implemented, the founder(s) of an alliance could set its tribute demand of experience from each player at a set percentage? In the end, given the small size of the bonuses, it wouldn't be that large of an issue, especially once players have capped off all of their bonuses (although this only applies to older players, as the system apparently requires exponential amounts of experience for more levels).
Member of Allied Habitable Space