Re: New Universe Discussion

i , without serious raiding and just by mining finished with colony tech level 13-14 at the end of tourney
more expensive or not ; always some players will raid 4-5bill and research it
plus , many planets , cause many solid points (buildings and researches)
i am sure we want to have fleet wars and competition for bigger fleets
not bigger solid points or more colonizition tech level (who is anti-playing game)
what type of player is more fun to play (with/againts) :
a) a player with 35 planets and 30 millions points who only has 2millions fleet
(most of his points are building and researches)
b)a player with 20 planets and 30 millions points who has 10 millions fleet?
just imagine if A type players fill server , there won't be much huge combats and fleet to hunt ; will see just 4-7bill CRs ... not 25 , 50 bill
becuz most will go for more planets that causes more solid pts
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Re: New Universe Discussion

How about a limited number of planets. Like 11 but you may only have 1 to start with and must unlock each additional one up to 11 with colonization tech. Infinite planets is a bad idea as is planet destruction. Once number 1 because 4x number 2 they will have a huge advantage from planet destruction

Re: New Universe Discussion

Personally, I like the idea of having a set number of planets available to start without any need to research colonization tech. But I think after the first 15-20 planets have been settled, colonization tech for unlocking an additional 10 planets or so is not a bad idea. Why I would like to see quite a few planets immediately available is because it will allow players to spread out quickly at minimal expense, and it will allow those who start later to colonize good raiding locations with greater ease and get mines up and running more quickly, without the added hurdle of unlocking additional levels of colonization tech until they are really established.

Re: New Universe Discussion

What level of nanite do each of you have, the maximum that ANY of you have?

Have you gotten to a certain level and basically you have gone as far as you can because A: you don't need any farther level, or B: The costs have become so prohibitive that it's not an option as it's now too expensive?

Or, put it another way.

Take a chessboard. Put a penny (or whatever currency you use, the smallest denomination) on the first square.

On the second square, but two pennies. Third square four pennies, fourth eight pennies, and so on. Get to the last square (for those of you that don't play chess, there are sixty four squares), How much money would you have?

I see the number of colonies becoming so expensive that past a certain point players will not be able to build/afford anymore anyway. If the suggested formula that was posted earlier was to be instigated then I would think that there would be a natural cut off point for the number of colonies possible.

Re: New Universe Discussion

a uni with 499x9 like x theres 67,365 slots so 21 slots each means just under 3000 players just put it unless a bigger map can be made 21 slots is good and dont forgot add 21 moons thats 42 u have to look afler i like it getting tech or given or in the middie get some tech some, we could have unlimted but like the idea of taking somelses planet this could be done by using a ship that lands on the players planet a time limt say 8 hours give them a chance to kill the ship just a idea theres 6 in a allies one or two menbers can help smaller ones get planets off bigger players just add more to the game