by Ozymandias
What level of nanite do each of you have, the maximum that ANY of you have?
Have you gotten to a certain level and basically you have gone as far as you can because A: you don't need any farther level, or B: The costs have become so prohibitive that it's not an option as it's now too expensive?
Or, put it another way.
Take a chessboard. Put a penny (or whatever currency you use, the smallest denomination) on the first square.
On the second square, but two pennies. Third square four pennies, fourth eight pennies, and so on. Get to the last square (for those of you that don't play chess, there are sixty four squares), How much money would you have?
I see the number of colonies becoming so expensive that past a certain point players will not be able to build/afford anymore anyway. If the suggested formula that was posted earlier was to be instigated then I would think that there would be a natural cut off point for the number of colonies possible.