Re: New Universe Discussion

I like the idea of a new Universe. There's another topic about new players getting a moon or 20 % chance on a moon when starting their account. It's still a discussion atm .
I hope that's not happening with a new universe since that kind of protection will not be needed at the start imho.
Moons are used to hide missions and FS to hide fleets for opponents that are in most cases way stronger.
This will be a leveled playing field at the start so please no moons for new accounts.
Also , i see the protection has gone up in all servers. I think it should be low in the new Uni. Maybe increase the protection cap after the new Uni reaches 1 year?
A nice name would be Battleground since a lot of players from all the different servers will go there to test each others skills =)

Re: New Universe Discussion

I think a new universe is a great idea. I'm excited!

I agree with low protection to start (maybe 10k at the beginning like it was in Generals and raise it later on if necessary)... And please, please no ruby moons at least for the first few months.

I'm not really interested in any radical changes to the game dynamics, just a new universe that gives everyone a fresh start on even footing.

Re: New Universe Discussion

The uni should called insane in keeping with the others why most like the idea it should be faster than speed and xtreme in all the areas some new tech tied in old tech is ion tech lvl 8 unclock New tech ion drill head tech or use what players have posted before if we using the new battle engine can have rf changes like battle ships having rf against bombers and bombers having rf against more defenses and having some tech or ship that a alliance could use together and nice big map if its possible to be bigger than 499 x9

Re: New Universe Discussion

The uni should called insane in keeping with the others why most like the idea it should be faster than speed and xtreme in all the areas some new tech tied in old tech is ion tech lvl 8 unclock New tech ion drill head tech or use what players have posted before if we using the new battle engine can have rf changes like battle ships having rf against bombers and bombers having rf against more defenses and having some tech or ship that a alliance could use together and nice big map if its possible to be bigger than 499 x9

Re: New Universe Discussion

Regarding infinite planets idea. We could use the Generals colonization technology. The problem is that the game can get a bit overwhelming if you have to manage a very big amount of planets. This is our main concern.

If we were to allow infinite number of planets, perhaps a destruction of planets might be in place too?

Re: New Universe Discussion

Zorg wrote:Regarding infinite planets idea. We could use the Generals colonization technology. The problem is that the game can get a bit overwhelming if you have to manage a very big amount of planets. This is our main concern.

If we were to allow infinite number of planets, perhaps a destruction of planets might be in place too?
also becuz server is parmenant , as players get bigger and more players come to game , maybe there won't be enough slots for colonizing
and when a newbie comes to play that server , can find slots hardly and maybe only 1/3 of what he/she expected
maybe solution for this , is a MASSIVE MAP

and with didact's comment i really agree
HFs , cruisers are too useless now
giving them a better RF can back them to the game
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Re: New Universe Discussion

Destruction of planets seems too drastic . Suggestion: increase planet cap but not infinite. Maybe cap it at 31. Colonizing will be normal with colony ships up to 20. From then on a new tech maybe? Colony expansion technology perhaps? And for each extra colony from 22 a increase in that tech is needed. One level for each extra colony. And it shouldn't be cheap imo.