Re: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

well that is all the info you will get. if its good enough for a real war its more then good enough for a text based war
You can't stop me I'm on a boat!

Re: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

Sadbutrue wrote:well that is all the info you will get. if its good enough for a real war its more then good enough for a text based war
Small ppl shout loud!... Big ppl have no need!.. I asked a question and you give no reply,
You think your acc is so good you can't help others?.. I give respect to Khan as he at least
tries to inform how to play the game!< and that helps others to play!..

Since that attack ppl have msg me out side AZG and I try to help them as it's a game, Y
not all have fun not just a few!!!....

Still no one has answered my question????..

Bellig... ;)
It's ALLWAYS better to try than not tried at ALL!....;).. :)

Re: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

Sadbutrue wrote:you are either with us(~V~) or you are with the terrorists(AZG)
Your still no't answer anything, Y reply?.. to my QUESTION if you can't give a answer? Y reply 2?

Belligerant... is in AZG!.. good or bad!.. don't care!.. BUT I'll Help all others when I can as without
members it's not a game!!!!!.. All should remember this.. All the the big players only got there offence, off
the backs of other players!!!!...

Ooops..srry had to get a beer to complete this msg... :lol:


Bellig... 8-)
It's ALLWAYS better to try than not tried at ALL!....;).. :)

Re: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

Noone here will know my name, Im an azguard member.
Not one of the good ones, I'd like to be,Ive not been playing long enough, nor do I have enough time with my final exams starting on the 3rd.
But really...
V, you are ALL TALK.
You have strong fleets, which is, you know, fun and all, but it doesnt give you the right to BS like you are.
How long has this war been going on? How much have you actually done?
Our top players remain nearly untouched. Vs superiority in this war last *only* because AZG cannot ACS attack. If we could, I can practically guarantee that AZG would smash at least a few V members into the ground, fast. Before long the rest of you would be picked off by others.
But, oh ho ho, aren't you of V so tuff and hard because we dont have that ability?
You laugh about how we should do a mass ACS defend. How?
We have 60 odd members logging in at different times, only 1 player will recieve notification of an inbound attack, and he/she will most likely be offline. Also the members lost since this war started have largely been boots to inactive players. Woo yay fun, go V. You forced a few minoring players into inactivity.
Real big leap towards AZG disbanding there :roll:

Real reason for this war: V knows that AZG will be far more powerful than it once ACS attack is up. Ergo, V wants to wipe out that threat in advance. Tactically sound idea, but you really dont seem quite able to manage it. Without the ability to lanx the hidden fleet saves, the members that you need to take down to actually be able to win this war are nearly untouchable to you. Because of this, the war continues at its continuing boring pace, of you guys mouthing off and doing nothing of significance. You harry AZG small players, because you dont have the ability to strike the big ones. You'll probably come after me soon, Im one of those small players. Yay! Finally some action is on the horizon. You flame Def because of the IPM assaults giving the excuse 'Oh we dont need our defences coz were so awesome etc etc lolololololol' ? And your tactically brilliant response was what? Ah continued doing nothing.

Ah well.
Keep talking V, but forgive me for not reading it, your feeble protestations and flaming bore me. In the words of Robert A. Heinlein "Never frighten a little man. He'll kill you." Well, you failed to kill the little man, but now hes pissed at you for trying. And like all midgets, he can easily appear out of nowhere and attack.

Re: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

Rogue, you speak a lot of nothing. You obviously havent even read the CR thread or much of this one.

~V~ TD 337,376,000
AZG TD 4,109,462,000

And that damage is us doing nothing, all talk?

Re: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

Clearly you miss the point.
Ive seen the TD recieved. Its nice and shiny.
It also does not take into account IPMings.
It also does not take into account the people you inflicted that damage on are not the ones hitting back at you. You are doing nothing OF USE. THAT was my point.
You bull and bull and bull, as you did there, 'oh looky here at us look what we did!' but you manage to do nothing SIGNIFICANT. And mouth off as if you just beat Chuck Norris in a fight. Umm, no sir, you did not.
V is an alliance of bullies. Admittedly with more brain than the average bully, but a bully nevertheless. You pick on the smaller members, those of us who cant reasonably defend ourselves let alone strike back. But those of us who are worth your attentions are still fine and dandy, with little to no damage done to them.
V, I say to you, grow up. Stop mouthing off. It bores me. It is not of consequence, and it is undeserved. If you take out mintaka, you can say look how great we are! If you do damage to Def or Malph, you can say Ha! We finally did something useful! Or w.e your little want to say to inflate your egos some more. But when your picking on players a 10th of your strength, sit down and be quiet, you have done nothing deserving of glory. In RL, you would be the bullies who dont have the balls to take on the kids older brother, even though your bigger than him, but tell everyone you're so hard because you punched a ten year old.
V, I fail to be impressed. AZG fails to be impressed. As evidenced, even Istalris and the rest of the Zorg community fails to be impressed. Istalris I name you purely because you were supportive of V at the start of this thread, and later pointed out their BS in the forums, I hope you dont mind. The people who support you in this V support you not for you, not for your petty insults and selfaggrandizing posts, not for the little pieces of damage that your doing to weak AZG members, but because they dont like us, or just because they dont like the #1 alliance just for being
#1. What does this say for you? You are not well loved, you are not well respected, although some of your members are very powerful in zorg and deserving of respect for that, you yourselves let down that reputation with this. If Zorg ever undergoes a reset, V will come tumbling down in flames, unless like mintaka you donate huge amounts of money to build yourselves up first.
And even then, you will fall as soon as ACS attack goes up.
If AZG hit you now, all at once, not one of your fleets could stand against us. Maybe a combination, definitely all would manage, but you would then be broken shells of what you once were, with only a smattering of ships left, and would soon be overwhelmed. Whereas AZG, more well rounded than V, would still have at least half its points.
V, I say to you, you are inferior. You KNOW you are inferior, and thus you seek to eliminate us before this is revealed, and talk smack in the meantime to cover it up. V, This Will Not Work. AZG will win this war, even though we be forced to wait. We will be here longer than you. AZG will still be #1 when V fades into the past. We are #1 for a reason, you are NOT #1 and forever beneath us, for the same.

Re: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

This is a game buddy, we play it like everyone else and we know its a game no need to get personal. Our game style speaks nothing of who we are and I know my allies pretty well, some Ive known from years of online games and they are nowhere near bullies, most of whom will offer advice to people who ask for some.

I refuse to be dragged any further into this war of words

Re: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

I dont think it is much as bullying or "trying" to take AZG out before ACS attack is in place. Could it be part of the reason, sure, but strategically that is smart, not being "scared/afraid" or however azg sees it.
This is a game after all, and all games require strategy, and if strategically this keeps V as the top fleeting alliance i dont think its right to call them out as being bullies.

Regardless of who they hit, whether it is someone AZG deem as insignificant or not, it is still providing V with a boat load of resources and fleets they recycle to build an even more devastating fleet.

In more ways than one, depending on who's point of view you are looking from, this war has been pretty beneficial for V members, and not so beneficial for most AZG members, or vice versa.

Now when ACS is installed, could the scale tip over to AZG's side? maybe, but it is hard to say/see how the Unity of AZG compares to the Unity that V has shown with each other, and that also would determine the future of how this war will turn out.

GL to both alliances!

Re: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

Rogue, first of all, i severely doubt all of AZG's remaining fleets could take out Squirrel or SBT, you'd probably even struggle against LoW.

When ACS attack is released, you will not destroy them, they will destroy everyone else, probably even Mintaka. You can't overcome the power of a close-knit team of high end players who know what they're doing. AZG is simply to big to maintain and be effective. If you somehow could pull together and all learn to play effectively, then yes, maybe.

On the other hand, i do agree with you somewhere, there is at least one of them who needs his head severely deflating. :)

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...