Re: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

Your attempt at a nukefest last night was pitiful to say the least. I lost a few Rl's but with nanite lvl 6 its an instant rebuild. I have a list of everyone that sent Ipms at me last night and if you want to play the defence bash game that's fine I will show you how I defence bash. Good Luck.
Only the dead have seen the end of war. ~Plato

Re: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

Really AZG, it was kinda pathetic. I am the weakest player in ~V~ and you have been hitting me since the start of the war with some defenses loses (that's it)and you gave me a moon at your cost. :D

AZG its time to hit the drawing board because, with 5000 fired and still nothing to show for it that's not a good sign for your guys. But good luck with whatever AZG decides to do, I think I am going to get a little bit more involved with this war. ;)

Re: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

wildfire328 wrote:Really AZG, it was kinda pathetic. I am the weakest player in ~V~ and you have been hitting me since the start of the war with some defenses loses (that's it)and you gave me a moon at your cost. :D

AZG its time to hit the drawing board because, with 5000 fired and still nothing to show for it that's not a good sign for your guys. But good luck with whatever AZG decides to do, I think I am going to get a little bit more involved with this war. ;)
You'd think that someone in V would be fully supporting his alliance already. Who knew?
:? :? :?

Re: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

Did LOW just take out Defiant's last moon?

Is it time to queue up the song "Nowhere to Run" from "The Warriors" soundtrack yet :D

"You are in a position to demand nothing. I however, am in a position to grant nothing."

Khan Noonian Singh

Re: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

Khan wrote:Did LOW just take out Defiant's last moon?

Is it time to queue up the song "Nowhere to Run" from "The Warriors" soundtrack yet :D
No I know he still has at least 2..... soooooo perhaps another round?
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!

Re: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

Witchywoman wrote:
No I know he still has at least 2..... soooooo perhaps another round?
He has more than that. And yes there will be more rounds of fun, gotta allow them time to rebuild so we actually have something to hit.

Re: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

Hi All,
I seen a bit of the first page and the last page of this, But tell me what's war about?..LoL
V farms so I here and you go to war because AZG members place there accs near yours?..
I seen that V and others probe my planets and attacked..Hmm who cares?, Some say this
is a big war?.. Or is this war about Def?.. Please tell....

It's ALLWAYS better to try than not tried at ALL!....;).. :)

Re: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

Sadbutrue wrote:AZG is hiding WMD's and hording its oil supply!

Ha!Ha!Ha!.. :lol:

What dose that mean bro?.. WMD?
oil supply?.. Bro I don't think that answers my question?

It's ALLWAYS better to try than not tried at ALL!....;).. :)