Re: Tournament III - Feedback

Sprog , Don't Complain ;
i Have Much to Say , too
Bugs Were For "Everyone"
You Couldn't Catch Deidara and His Crew and if You Was The Winner You Would Describe it The "Best Tourney"
Bugs or No Bugs This Game is About Skills
i Fell in #43 in 2nd Day and i Became #9 Finally!
instead of Complaining Learn From Your Mistakes ; Accepting Mistakes is NOT a Weakness ; As i Made Mistakes and Learnt Things That Never Learnt During Last 4 Yrs in My Career in Zorg Empire
i Ranked #9 ; But Am i Comlaining Now?!
Concentrate on Feedback
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Re: Tournament III - Feedback

I played by invite and for helping alliance with moon shots hence I was a miner Alduin....don't let facts blind you I was part time playing, I have a job, a life play is not about being number one! for mistakes? I didn't get crashed by "the best" lol ..not even close!!!!..and Alduin...did u start that account??? ;)
Last edited by Sprog on Sat Aug 29, 2015 10:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Tournament III - Feedback

Sprog wrote:I played by invite and for helping alliance with moon shots hence I was a miner Alduin....don't let facts blind you for mistakes? I didn't get crashed by "the best" lol ..not even close!!!!..and Alduin...did u start that account??? ;)
Yes i Started That Account ;
You Can Please Admin to Check IP of My Account And Admin Will See From Start to End Only 1 IP Logged into That Acc
You Can Call me "Psycho" , "Insane" or Anything Else For The Name i Registered With First ,; You Are Baiting and i Am not Gonna Answer Your Questions Longer
End of Chatting With You.
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Re: Tournament III - Feedback

Grats to the winners.
One of the biggest issues in this tourney was the bug imho.
It was my first time in Generals and it was fun having only active players compared to certain dead servers.
The bug lasted too long and was not dealt with as it should have . Again, just my 5 cents.
I was a miner and it was good. Although i think the Dens should have more storage per level.
I can't speak for the other Generals; i didn't play as one of them so i don't know what needs changing there.
I keep thinking that this round would've gone a whole other way if the bug hadn't occurred.
Also, the issue with Sloth getting hit on purpose in the 2nd week , isn't that feeding?
I did like the Morttis drama. He joined Anon alliance pretending to be his ex-GF lol
Kept asking people where they were colonizing, trying to determine our online times etc etc.
Then he said he was giving another guy his account (he was still pretending to be his ex-GF haha)
The veterans among us already knew he was a spy but decided to let him play his act out ;)
Good job Deidara for planting him in Anon even if he didn't do his job.
That was entertaining and heck, that's why i play the game. For entertainment .
So i had fun until i had to leave.
I'll prob play next Generals but only if Zorg promises not to repeat the same mistake (the speed bug).



Re: Tournament III - Feedback

Predators Were "Too Powerful" in My Sight
For Next Round :
1-Preds Power Should be Decreased a Bit
2-Turtles Should Have a Special Defense Unit More Powerful Than Plasma Cannons and Good to Stand Againts RiPs and Preds
3-Star Raiders Should Have a Better RF and Also Must be Faster (Not to be Same as Cruisers)
4-Raiding Generals Maybe Should be Able to Unlock ECs Sooner/ in Lower Techs

5-Miners Should Get at Least 30% Extra Production
6-Miners Maybe Should Have Some Kind of Indestructible Sats (Can be More Expensive Than Solar Sats)
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Re: Tournament III - Feedback

Miners are already kinda OP. No tweaks for them except maybe more storage for Dens.
Also , a shorter round does seem like a good idea.
A lot of us have a family and a job and it's not a good combo.
Maybe 2-3 weeks? I don't think Zorg Empire wants to be the reason for separations/divorces lololol