Maverick[AZGD] vs FleetHound[MOC]~TD~ 7.912.466.050

I have to thank Pulsar for this hit...If it had not been for her arrogance and greed with the stolen phalanx hit on Storim I would not have had this roamer in place, as such the opportunity to have done this so cleanly.

To think you got a TD of less than a billion captured may be a few hundred million deut... was it worth two of your allies fleets....OK may be not all of FH's fleet (but the biggest part)...and then again CH was more serendipitous...

Yet the out come is, I have caused about 23 billion damage to your allies since then.... all because of your ego... I may not have got you YET...but your time will come soon enough.

Grievance have always shown honour a huge GLOTR.... besides there is still the other part of your

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 14.074.249 units of Metal, 7.874.511 units of Crystal and 70.464.815 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 0 units.
The defender has lost a total of 7.912.466.050 units.
A debris field containing 2.672.243.280 units of Metal and units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 19 %

Managed one follow up...

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:0
winnings Metal:0 Crystal:0 Deuterium:30.206.274
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0

DF collected...Recycling Report
You collect; 2.612.243.280 units of Metal and units of Crystal...FH managed to reclaim 60kk of each.

GLOTR once again...

Re: Maverick[AZGD] vs FleetHound[MOC]~TD~ 7.912.466.050

CrazyHorse88 wrote:I'd like to thank Gozar for reminding me....we did jack his hit on was like stealing candy from a baby...I can't believe he is still crying about it...Lol
Holding a grudge is good for the soul...but not so good for YOUR fleet... If you don't like it, then use your fleet to speak...hold don't have one any bad.

Oh and my surprise to see RJ on the forums..after he left this some time back..

[quote="Rjsturgill"Also, on that note, I am officially announcing my retirement from this sorry excuse for a game. You have double standards, and only pick and choose what should be administrated. I will be vmoding my speed account in the coming days for the same reason.[/quote]

It appears skirmish was right everyone returns sooner or later... guess you are back playing with an account to.

PS glad I have made the game more interesting for you Dave...

Re: Maverick[AZGD] vs FleetHound[MOC]~TD~ 7.912.466.050

Gozar wrote:
CrazyHorse88 wrote:I'd like to thank Gozar for reminding me....we did jack his hit on was like stealing candy from a baby...I can't believe he is still crying about it...Lol
Holding a grudge is good for the soul...but not so good for YOUR fleet... If you don't like it, then use your fleet to speak...hold don't have one any bad.

Oh and my surprise to see RJ on the forums..after he left this some time back..

[quote="Rjsturgill"Also, on that note, I am officially announcing my retirement from this sorry excuse for a game. You have double standards, and only pick and choose what should be administrated. I will be vmoding my speed account in the coming days for the same reason.
It appears skirmish was right everyone returns sooner or later... guess you are back playing with an account to.

PS glad I have made the game more interesting for you Dave...[/quote]

I probably have an account, I think you can find it under the name, Maverick or search the name DoesntExist. just popped by the forums to read a message that was sent to me on here, and figured I'd stir the pot a bit. Nice to see you're still kicking though Mark.
They may not like me, but they've gotta respect me!

Re: Maverick[AZGD] vs FleetHound[MOC]~TD~ 7.912.466.050

Gozar wrote: Holding a grudge is good for the soul...but not so good for YOUR fleet... If you don't like it, then use your fleet to speak...hold don't have one any bad.
I still do though. :D And that's what this is all really about isn't it? Trying to make yourself feel better about the one fleet you most want but have not yet been able to catch. One day I will make a mistake and you will take it, no doubt, but for now everything is fair game. I let the fleet do the talking a fair bit and all I get for it are petty insults, derogatory comments, and flaming from you. (Congratulations on being the only player in this game I have ever blocked!) Funny how I haven't mentioned the Stroim hit once publicly, and yet it has become your obsession, defining your entire game, becoming something you mention at the top of every combat report. Maverick? Try Megalomaniac. (You're also bitter you can't get your name back, aren't you?)

Oh, and for those of you who missed it, check Gozar's one man alliance that existed for about a week:
Alliance Info
Name Annihilation
Leader Maverick Write a message
Members 1
Awards Showroom
Simple here to cause as much Destruction as I can on MOC..members

If anyone can give me any fleet information on any member of MOC
I will reward you with either rubies or resources...which ever you wish

Top reward for information on Pulsar\'s fleet
500 rubies or a billion (mixed) resources to anyone that helps me on my quest

I have a real dislike for skanks, bottom feeding scum and hypocrites
wait a minute think I am describing a certain alliance.

Any time MOC wishes to grow a pair...we can go to War...
lol, need I say more?

Nonetheless, thank you for freeing me from my limited and conventional perspective, Gozar. I would not be the player I am without the challenge you provide.

PS: What do I have to do to get you to send another 47k+ RIP 12.5% backfire risk MD my way? ;)