Attack Message

the one thing that would do the most to increase the
---"Player -vs - Player"--
a message to all Alliance Members and those on a Players Buddy / Friends List
when a Member comes under attack
--- simple to program, easy to implement ----

A Pop up telling all Alliance members and those on the Friends List that a member / friend is under attack
even if the player is off line --
the Alliance has an opportunity to defend its members from hostile action;
even when that member is off line

the message should include all the specifics of the attack
Fleet composition--
the Time to arrive at the planet / MooN under attack--

Just my 2 cents worth

Re: Attack Message

Maybe. But I'm not 100% convinced.

Also this bit.....

"the message should include all the specifics of the attack
Fleet composition--
the Time to arrive at the planet / MooN under attack--"

Depending on Espionage tech, would you expect all players in that alliance to see the disposition of the attacking fleet. a one thousand point player, a newb getting to see as much as a 100 million point player? Seems a bit unfair.

Let's have some graphics instead, an actual ship battle to watch. Better to still, a moon popping, lol.

Re: Attack Message

0z , 0z , 0z
Graphics Can Make The Game Heavy to Load , Speciality For The Guys Who Haven't a Perfecf Connection
i Would Players Will be Able to Select Which Group of Ships Go to The First Row For Battle
Here is An Example ;
(Ships Selected)
1st Row : 10k LFs
2nd Row : 30k Bombers
3th Row : 45k Lunars
And i Think There must be 3 or 4 Rows to Manage
All We Will Die One Day
Just Whispers Will Remain

Re: Attack Message

I like the suggestion!

Not sure the implementation is as easy as you picture it though;
- you can set it up as a sort of messaging relay option, any incoming you see, your alliance sees
- message details, depend on your spylevel
this way it would work in much the same way as if you would post a spyreport in the alliance circ
(so yes, a 1k player can see every detail that you as a 100mil player have posted in circ)

- spymissions get much the same threat level as attacks
so in order to avoid the alliance inbox getting spammed, because you get spyspammed, you need to have a selector active that only relays messages, with " attack" AND one of your planets or moons in the message line
(nobody wants to broadcast their own FS attacks or other covert ops going on)

if this can be solved in an easy way (i'm no programmer, so idk how) fine, go for it!

Re: Attack Message

WHippet, Whippet, Whippet, Whippet, Whippet.

Perhaps it could be a choice in the game options whether you could watch and display any battles?

But the question was whether Buzzard's idea was one of merit. For me, any display of an incoming attack would only display the information that the lowest ranked player could see. That would make it fairier. Much the same as a fleet of multiple types of ship only travels as fast as the slowest type of vessel.

Re: Attack Message

If a player was online and asked for help when under attack --
he would give you / the Alliance or any other player he asked for help from
all the info he had on the attack fleet
would he not ???

well,,,,---- then the auto message should be the same

Re: Attack Message

"If a player was online and asked for help when under attack "

I think the operative word there is the word "IF".

Not always is there another member of the same alliance online. A lower ranked player is lower ranked. They should gain no advantage from the fact that other members of their alliance is higher ranked. If another was online, then ask. If that's the case, what is the point in this topic?

Your orignial point says "A Pop up telling all Alliance members and those on the Friends List that a member / friend is under attack
even if the player is off line "

If the player is offline, how would he ask for help???

SO, again, I think if something like this was to be implemented then it should be a case of the lowest common denomanator, the lowest ranked player's tech is taken in to consideration. Therefore showing the rest of the alliance only what that lowest rank can see.

Re: Attack Message

though I have to admit that I like a full report better, it is still a good thing to see a flare going up, when an alliance mate has incoming...

it is then up to the group to get word out and device some means of defense, whatever that maybe... know your players...if it says who the attacker is (and it does, even for the lowest ranks) can quickly decide if this is serious or not!


Re: Attack Message

Thunderheart I could almost agree.....except for one thing....account soon as a "flare" goes up then people will be all over other peoples accounts....even though it is only permitted in "emergencies" ......we see far too often a fleet down "out of hours" and it gets lifted by another.....some openly admit it......some blatantly deny it ....