Re: silence, crazyhorse88[moc],pulsar[dawn] v malaga lanax

DREDD , i Have No idea Who You Are in Speed or Massacre
i Don't Know Anything About Thunderheart and CrazyHorse
But In My Career in ZE i Never Saw Anyone Mean As Much As Pulsar
You've Gotta Respect Her
i Support What is Right
And This Makes My Personality in ZE and Even in Real Life
and Posting CRs on Forums is Everyone's Rights
Yea i Hate People Bragging With Their 1,2Bill CRs
But Any CR Above 3bill TD is Decent Enough to be Posted Here

Just so you understand your misunderstanding..posting on the forum is a privalge not a per rule 9 below

* Using the forums is a privilege, at any time you may be kicked or have your thread be modified/deleted.
Last edited by Gozar on Mon Jun 29, 2015 9:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: correcting information
All We Will Die One Day
Just Whispers Will Remain

Re: silence, crazyhorse88[moc],pulsar[dawn] v malaga lanax

Gozar , Cmon Look at My Last Post Again
What is Againts The Rules?
What is Abusive?
" But Kissing " ?
Look at Moderator ! He is too Rude To be A Moderator
Other Thing , No Player is Same as Other One
Pulsar is not Same As SALAD And You For Me
Screenshot Took and Sent to Admin For Explanition

Warning issued mod baiting

It is clearly stated with in the forum rules any complaints to do with a Moderator are to be done via e-mail.
Last edited by Gozar on Mon Jun 29, 2015 8:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: mod baiting
All We Will Die One Day
Just Whispers Will Remain

Re: silence, crazyhorse88[moc],pulsar[dawn] v malaga lanax

Whippet/Alduin......did you not notice that some of the comments above were as a "player" and others as a "moderator".......there is a big difference yet you only see what you want to see....Also, you have no room for complaint if someone gives you grief in forums.....I , for one, have been on the receiving end of your abuse countless times in game and on forums....should I also screenshot every comment/message and waste Zorgs time? :D

Re: silence, crazyhorse88[moc],pulsar[dawn] v malaga lanax

It's not because he IS a moderator........opinions were stated as a player....... there are far worse so called insults on multiple threads in forums....if you are so easily offended at being called a butt kisser then perhaps this isn't the game for you. I have been called far worse by you and your crones..... kind of ironic that you should even be complaining tbh ....anyway, we are all going off topic here.... time to move on :D

Re: silence, crazyhorse88[moc],pulsar[dawn] v malaga lanax

#29 a player I say...Grow up and stop acting like a baby...Butt kissing is a terminology...and expression...I would have been wrong if I had typed what I was actually thinking... The warning was to everyone and that is clear..the only part directed at you was the butt kissing... Boy are you grabbing at straws...I really think this forum stuff gets way out of control... If I post as a player I get slatted and if I replay as a moderator I am also criticized... So quite frankly I no longer give a monkey's ***.. what any of you say and think...If Zorg has a problem then by all means he can let me know..

I have Pulsar sending me PM's saying that Dreed has insulted her and I am to issue a warning... It is not for the players to tell a moderator what and how to moderator... she even went as far as to say if I do not she will ask another moderator to do so...I do not respond to threats or ultimatums... I can assure every player here.. that as moderators we act as fair as possible, giving slack were we believe it reasonable... The insult that Dreed made was hardly serious or even rude or vulgar unlike many remarks posted here... Yet you found it so.. to keep the peace I edited his remark and made a general request for all to refrain from personal remarks ...for whippet to jump on a band wagon to slate me... I am done with the forums... there are way to many babies that act like spoilt children if they can't get their way...

I will post hits because I can... I will moderate where needed...that is it...if you do not like it..e-mail zorg... any further comments about me as a moderator will result in a warning and more if required.. end off you have all been warned...

It is clearly stated that NO remarks about Moderators should be made on the forums... so once again Warnings will be issued... any remarks to this post other than as a player send to ZORG via e-mail...