Re: New Battle Engine 2.0 set for Massacre Debut

mickylove wrote:Ok when will vote take place not all my members in my alliance check the forums and u want change the engine next week
I know that most do not check the forums. As I know that those checking and commenting are not always reading everything.

We are chaning the MASSACRE engine till the end of this week, not Engine 1.1
There will be no vote for this. The vote will be put futurely. We are not anxious to replace Engine 1.1
Also I have nowhere mentioned above that this will be a forum vote. Although forum votings are good as guildleaders tell their members to go and vote (they also tell them what to vote) and they obey. The good in case you have not noticed it, is that we get more forum engaged users this way.
Now I am sure you know where massacre engine is used as I have mentioned it quite many times already.

Re: New Battle Engine 2.0 set for Massacre Debut

Nautilus<>Zero wrote:Fodders still working in mass.
Using lots of cheap lf /probes I can dissipate between 50-80% of incoming damage in the first round.
Btw I'm curious about this breaking point....
The biggest hit in ze history was made with the old massacre engine, it seemed to (not break ) be fine.

@Micky what would you want to change about the engine and why?
it seems fine to me

The kind of fodder usability you are speaking then should be still possible but not as strong as before.
I am neither aware of the biggest hit nor its fleet composition. It does not mean that the breaking point is met purely in numbers. I gave an example above how it breaks. I can fully explain it in Friday, once the last instance of Massacre engine is gone.

Re: New Battle Engine 2.0 set for Massacre Debut

Just a one (cruisers or battle ship)to have rf against bombers most other ships have rf for or against one ship (a part from rips which has rf against every ship) I believe than we have balance fully its the weak point I see in the new engine other than this I think the engine once everyone does a few hits they like the new engine and see why its better all-around

Re: New Battle Engine 2.0 set for Massacre Debut

mickylove wrote:Just a one (cruisers or battle ship)to have rf against bombers most other ships have rf for or against one ship (a part from rips which has rf against every ship) I believe than we have balance fully its the weak point I see in the new engine other than this I think the engine once everyone does a few hits they like the new engine and see why its better all-around

That's a small change you are asking actually. Why don't you create a topic in suggestions to see how other players feel/think about it?

Re: New Battle Engine 2.0 set for Massacre Debut

I am speaking for Massacre Engine - ACS version. These are the updates that are scheduled.

Again, so everyone understands, the current picture:

Massacre Univese:
-Solo Attacks: BE V2.0
-ACS attacks: Massacre Engine ACS

-Solo Attacks: BE V1.1
-ACS attacks: Massacre Engine ACS

-Solo Attacks: BE V1.1

At the end of the week, it will be:
Massacre Univese:
-Solo Attacks: BE v2.0
-ACS attacks: BE v2.0

-Solo Attacks: BE V1.1
-ACS attacks: BE v2.0

-Solo Attacks: BE V1.1

Regarding the battle, no significant breaking point there. It seems that Massacre universe players (at least these two) adapted to the engine after all and never build fleets that would fall into the breaking point. It shows to me two players that can fleet.