Re: Recuits needed, are you up for the challenge.

Weresloth wrote:Wait, what? I didn't quite understand that. I interpreted that as milking, but I could be wrong
As long as they stay within the guidelines of the rules they may send resources to their players. The rules are as follows.

6. You must not MILK
Milking is a form of cheating. No player may knowingly send resources to a higher ranking player unless it is done during a trade (in accordance with the Trade Ratios posted on the forums). Once within a 24 hour period a higher ranking player may send the equivalent of 1 hour of production to a lower ranking player (pulling).

According to admin the 1 hour production means ....1 hour production of your highest resource producing planet. And make sure not to break the 24 hour period.
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!

Re: Recuits needed, are you up for the challenge.

Weresloth wrote:Yeah, somehow I got "new recruits will send res to officers" out of that. Dunno how
no wat i meant was that recuits will be start of with a sum of resources to help them with their empire so that for exchange they can send reinforcements when needed. which i don't think is against the rules. and that that new recuits maybe intitled to more resource help if he or she got promoted. However this means that when reinforcements is needed during a battle they would have to send a bigger force then their previous one.

Re: Recuits needed, are you up for the challenge.

Witchywoman wrote:
6. You must not MILK
Milking is a form of cheating. No player may knowingly send resources to a higher ranking player unless it is done during a trade (in accordance with the Trade Ratios posted on the forums). Once within a 24 hour period a higher ranking player may send the equivalent of 1 hour of production to a lower ranking player (pulling).

According to admin the 1 hour production means ....1 hour production of your highest resource producing planet. And make sure not to break the 24 hour period.
the pulling is 1 hour production of your empire not only from one highest production colony.

Re: Recuits needed, are you up for the challenge.

valadeva wrote:the pulling is 1 hour production of your empire not only from one highest production colony.

NOT according to admin, unless they have changed their minds in the last month since the extensive rule explanation conversation.

And can we please no longer post in this alliance's recruiting topic?
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!

Re: Recuits needed, are you up for the challenge.

O yer i didn't mention this in the forum but i'll mention it anyway.

The General Clauses and RULES for the Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty:
1) Must always listen to the supreme council first, then the Z.A.F.T forces.
2) Must always report any attacks to the alliance (a.k.a yourself) to the high council.
3) Never raid or attack unless authorised by the supreme council.
4) If needed the supreme council is allowed to gather all forces.
5) Must be logged in at least twice a week.
6) Never fight with anyone in your own alliance.
7) Any sorts of problems that envolves the alliance must be reported to the supreme council.