New Server is not a Good idea ! Here is Why !

Why ?!?!?!?!??
Cuz We Can't Keep 4 Serers Active N' We Should Create 5th?!?!
Dear Admin , Some Players ! Look Just a SALAD can play in all 5 servers
Other people who are normal and ARE NOT SALAD have a real life , too
If u wanna keep activity in this 4 servers Lol exit Players less than 50k from vmode(for massacre)
4 other universes maybe below 100k or even more!
All We Will Die One Day
Just Whispers Will Remain

Re: New Server is not a Good idea ! Here is Why !

new server gonna cause even less activity on older servers..
I for one can only play one server..
so others go into vmde..
so how is that gonna create more activity on old servers?
they will go more quiet..
makes no sense...
and I for one wont go to another server..
only to have that slow down again...
and ZORG just keeps plodding along not really caring about suggestions..,
or ideas... or implementing them...
and.., of course..., thinking a new server will generate more money..
I am done...
if these servers dont pick up I am in vmode till they do..
and if they never do... then so be it...
but NO new server for me...
and loads of others I have spoken to in the same boat..
New Server....!!!....come on????? really???

Re: New Server is not a Good idea ! Here is Why !

Zorg has made clear its not going too on three posts on the forums the link zorg used was a thread a year old .
I am one of the players calling for a resetting universe one . I believe this game was built a long time ago and was one the first games to change from turn base game to full on game some have died others have not like this one. Now in some universes the gap between bottom and top is massive and new players with no experience will not last long in theses universes like or not it is fact this is not down to players but the game itself the way it has been built and run has led it to were we are today we have like it or change the game we love and care about and everyone will have to made a sacrifice I believe one will have to be made before it gets to late

Re: New Server is not a Good idea ! Here is Why !

mickylove wrote:Zorg has made clear its not going too on three posts on the forums the link zorg used was a thread a year old .
I am one of the players calling for a resetting universe one . I believe this game was built a long time ago and was one the first games to change from turn base game to full on game some have died others have not like this one. Now in some universes the gap between bottom and top is massive and new players with no experience will not last long in theses universes like or not it is fact this is not down to players but the game itself the way it has been built and run has led it to were we are today we have like it or change the game we love and care about and everyone will have to made a sacrifice I believe one will have to be made before it gets to late

LOL!!! Here we go again!

"Round and round the garden, like a teddy bear"!!!!!

It is amazing, the same topics resurface, time and time again, go quiet, then boom! Off we go again.

Isn't there any fresh ideas apart from the "The game is dying" routine , or "Game reset time", lol.

Stale, stale stale stale!

C'mon, get your thinking heads on, not just regurgitating the same ol' bile as before!

It is unfair on whom? From whatever perspective you look at things from, you will always have the have and have nots. Depends on where you view things from. Instead of moaning, get on with it. Build, grow, out do the other guys, get to the top, or at least thereabouts.

Once you do, I think your perspective might change a little, lol.

Re: New Server is not a Good idea ! Here is Why !

I do not moan about my last post is fact no matter what way you at it and were my main account is in speed I am in the top 30 I have 2.7m points the top player over 50m the top 30 are close but after the top 30 the 31 down the gap is getting bigger this is the same in xtreme this is because any new active players comes they are hit by players 10,100,1000 times bigger than them this is a fact like it or not just don't shot the messager this why some just give up

Re: New Server is not a Good idea ! Here is Why !

Why can't we talk about which server we are in? If you are a player, you show activity, then you have a right to say anything about what you see as adverse problems with the game as a whole. But, remember, as soon as you put it in to the public domain, then expect others to take issue with it if they see a problem.

My points were, this has all been said before and no doubt, in the future, will be said again.

Instead of running around in circles, think of something new?

It was mentioned that a game score reset might be an idea. What about players that have spent a lot of real life money on rubies? Isn't that unfair on them? Point being, the weaker players will be hunted by the stronger players. Those "weaker" players need to learn to look after themselves. Is it not better to have a challenge than having it easy? I was a newb once. I was hunted. I grew stronger. Now, I hunt those weaker players, WHEN they leave stuff sat around. It's not difficult. Just learn to play around it, become the hunter, not the hunted.

Game resets, no new servers, deletions of inactives. V moding of inactives. It happens, that's the game.

But, I have little doubt, 6 months down the line, perhaps sooner, perhaps later, this will all be said again.