Re: XTREME...dying..,. call it what you want....

vegadanger wrote:so if i have a bug in your code Dr. then i will keep it to myself... if we complain, like me... then you trace my IP without reason like yesterday. This is corrupt!!

Vega, if there is a legitimate bug to report then there is a process in place to do so. ZORG administrators try not to be influenced by individual players. Every player should have an equal voice in how the game develops.

At this point, the discussion is becoming dangerously far from the original topic. Please refrain from personal accusations.


Re: XTREME...dying..,. call it what you want....

~Edited out by Zorg~

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Last edited by Zorg on Sat Mar 07, 2015 2:37 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: XTREME...dying..,. call it what you want....

Though this is a moot point considering your ban, yes the admin can see your IP. It's to prevent multiplay. The very first rule in the game is that only one account per PC (IP address) is allowed. The only way around this rule is by sending an email to the admin explaining why you want 2+ accounts on the same IP, (eg. family members, room mates, etc.)

And usually, if you're allowed to do that, they forbid any interaction between the accounts. As in, you can't be in the same alliance, no trade/sending gifts, no attacking.

So all in all, how do you expect the admin to tell that it's you and your son playing as opposed to just you with two accounts. Though like I said, moot point.

Enjoy your day.
Forum Administrator
Noblesse Oblige 77 MP