Re: XTREME...dying..,. call it what you want....

vegadanger wrote:Your words.... "I played Xtreme a long while ago......"

1) How the hell can you then see the numbers joining :-) if you not playing there.
2) Keep clients happy "why are YOU still playing??" second time you chase players away :-)
3) read between the lines... no rather read the paragraphs... don't just spot certain words in the paragraph you want to see
Allot of points was raised, and you just focus on some.... "bad advertising for the game", "bad advertising for admin and ForUM !!
4) Who pick the Moderators... or are you all admin... admin who don't want to see the end?

1: Stands to reason, if one server is getting regular newbs, they all do.
2: What? I asked you that question. I am still playing because I enjoy the game.
3: I reply to points raised. Make my OWN points, as I am quite entitled to do.
4: Who picks the moderators... or are you all admin?? Haha, It's common knowledge how that happens, no need to get paranoid and think that we are running the game.

The facts are, PLAYERS ARE STILL JOINING, not a lie, not a yarn, just a fact. YOU say the game is dead or dying. Other players are suggesting things, you seem to want to see a funeral for Zorg!

Whether I am a moderator or not has no bearing on my choice to make comments in the forums. I am also a player, until I start to insult players, call THEM NAMES, get myself warned or banned, then I will continue to make points as I see them, as I am entitled to do. If you don't like that, well that's your prerogative.

The facts are, make some valid suggestions, post them here in the forums. Some ideas you have might seem great to you, but not everyone will agree. Other suggestions folk might welcome. But don't get upset if not everyone agrees with you.

Your worm idea, post it in more depth. See what others think.

Re: XTREME...dying..,. call it what you want....

It's like farting against a thunderstorm... i rather rest my case.

You admins moderator so then you all close. THEn you ask them to post us some data to show us that this game "x-server"
not going down :-) Some of us spend money on this game and don't want to spend it on a game that going to die.

We want the stats before and after the (i) (v) movement. If you a active player on x then it looks clear that we wasting our money!!!


Re: XTREME...dying..,. call it what you want....

I am a moderator, not an admin. I do not know any of the administrators of the game. We are completely separate. I moderate in the forums, I am also a player. As a player I can make comments, create topics etc, just like anyone else that plays Zorg. I cannot give you statistics that I have no access to. It's that simple.

Your suggestion earlier, open house to expand on that idea, now you suddenly don't want to??

If you want to make suggestions, then go ahead. If you want statistics, contact Zorg directly perhaps? I don't know how forthcoming they will be. You are wasting money? Then if you feel that way, don't, again, that simple.

You said "THEn you ask them to post us some data to show us that this game "x-server"
not going down" I never said anything like that.

Now, Worm idea or not?

If not, again, your choice. It's still quite simple. Either do or don't. We ALL have that choice.

Re: XTREME...dying..,. call it what you want....

when will we all move on? As soon as one topic like this gets locked another starts saying nigh on the same thing.....

VegaDanger...your attitude in game is now showing in forums....not a wise move imo

Stop taking things so personally and move on/adapt as I keep saying

Wanna be a wallet warrior like some then it is your choice....but that gives you no more rights than anyone else here

As for new players...I think we all noticed in Massacre how many new players joined and went ruby mad....that's a good thing right? :D

Re: XTREME...dying..,. call it what you want....

Well said Sprog. EvilBass had raised some good points from the start, but it tailed off, then name calling began, I have absolutely no idea what that was about, but, very entertaining nonetheless, it did make me choke on a cup of tea, it was that good. Is this topic now finished now that EvilBass looks like he has finished the topic he started, or shall it continue?

A late suggestion was made by VegaDanger, but that seemed to go out of the window when it seemed that not everyone was willing to agree with him. Shame, it may have been interesting. I have no doubt if we conclude this topic it will just start again under another heading.

Re: XTREME...dying..,. call it what you want....

Zorg FBI, yes on Mass it looks good for admin if players spend money... but i think we keep them alive :-)
if same happens there with (i) (v) delete then i think admin must be dumb and play with there pay :-)

Question.... when last was there some new stuff build into this game, not the ER in my vote that was dumb....

Admin asked Ideas, forums is packed with great ideas... and then NOTHING....


Re: XTREME...dying..,. call it what you want....

vega, this is not the place for this discussion. It went from a good topic with good replies to you name calling and changing the topic to that of admin and moderators being stupid... I am not always perfect, but make the suggestion in another topic under game suggestions and if they choose to do something with it then they will... Can we get back on topic (Usually I am not saying this but I actually enjoyed this topic)

Yes, I find it funny they are spending on rubies at an early stage... Maybe gamers from somewhere else with good intents of making a challenge? Who knows

If I weren't me, I would be you.

Re: XTREME...dying..,. call it what you want....

VegaDanger, either follow the topic or not. If you don't want to follow the topic, then don't post. Start a new topic to discuss other things.

Also, as a player in the forums I am requesting you stop with the silly name calling. It sort of makes you look silly.

Zorg FBI? What are you on fella? It really makes you seem dumb, which I am sure you're not.

Again, as a player and fellow forum poster, I am asking you to desist.