Re: XTREME...dying..,. call it what you want....

There were 2 Generals tournaments and each lasted 1 month officially, tho one lasted a couple extra days for some reason. Both were extremely competitive and, if you were involved, you could almost feel the intensity of other players.

Re: XTREME...dying..,. call it what you want....

i believe Zorg stated they were considering a 2 month tournament. Personally for tournament, I disagree with 2 months. Either its a 5k or a marathon.. there is no such thing as a 15k run so to speak. I could, however, see a server that is set up to end in either 1 mont, 6 months or 1 year.

Re: XTREME...dying..,. call it what you want....

It appears that at least a percentage of players want a server with a finite time limit. Personally, I can't see why, but that's just me. I prefer the long game. But as I said, just my opinion, but I would imagine that this is the common feeling.

However, if there was a shorter game, with a set time limit, then it might appeal to the players who want a level playing field, and, for newbs coming to the game, it could be a good grounding in the game, a taster for the other servers if you will.

Re: XTREME...dying..,. call it what you want....

i played a game with alien worms popping up here and there randomly in the universe . If you had army you could hit it and score res. ...... So if all deleted there accounts in that game and the place run dry there was always "worm" action, that gave that game a HUGE boost and keep it full of action and res. Just an idea.... what of random Alien planet from time to time here and there... Metal, crystal and deut... on it.... random def. on them to so small can eat and big to... they can disappear after a hit.. so then all will spark and try get them all... sounds like FUN and a boost to this dying game :-)


Re: XTREME...dying..,. call it what you want....

An idea I suppose.

But, what is this all about the game dying???

It seems a lot of players, because a few accounts have been deleted or put in to v mode, seem to think that the game's dying. Things go quiet from time to time, there is still a lot of stuff out there, you have to travel farther or search harder is all. The game dying?? Just because it's not so easy for you anymore the game must be dying! Get over it or quit!

Find someone who has a fleet or leaves stuff sitting about, hit them, take their stuff! The game isn't dying just because a few inactives are not accessible anymore.

Re: XTREME...dying..,. call it what you want....

Toys :-) are you admin. Can you see the user graph... the online offline... times... the data ... the stats of the inner game. NO i don't think so... if admin have the b.. s let them give us some info/graph/stats... what is the difference .... before and after the remove of the (i) and (v) mode player. That graph dropped like hell, we can talk here and there.... they can see the graph drops and if they don't pump in new ideas then this game gonna die.... this is not just a forum or miners game :-)

Toys you argue just like all the BIG players... BIG Mines...... this game is for all, miners... small (i) farmers.... and the rest.

if the graph falls below a mark... forget to lift it again... if a player end he will not again return and he also then not going to be good advertisement for the game.. Rem. the game is a Business to :-) KEEP YOUR CLIENTS HAPPY!!
