Re: XTREME...dying..,. call it what you want....

I think what Mack means is that this type of game is usually turn-based like another game we cant name used to be. With cash prizes to the top players. It went well until different problems occurred and then it went to crap after they turned it to an indefinite, non-resetting game type. Zorg is held together by their player base because they got lucky and held a few players that attempt to keep others around and don't give up hope. If they went turn based players still pay huge money but there has to be a period of time such as a year to keep players buying, as well as a prize at the end. I do not see Zorg doing this ever but its an option

If I weren't me, I would be you.

Re: XTREME...dying..,. call it what you want....

So, the market for rubies, how many players would be willing to spend real life currency on a game that has a finite life of a year only for it to end and then start again?

It is a real time game, there is a goal, get to the top. If it is attainable or not is the not the question. Real life time and problems exist in this game, that's one of the tings that makes it appealing.

Whereabouts in the real world do you live? It's not a funny question, but it may help to know. If you live in a Westernised country, you have the internet, comfort, money, you have time to play the game, you are well off. Some are not, they play when they can with what they have. Same as in the game. There will always be the haves and have nots. All you can do is strive to be better than you are, that's the beauty of it.

Re: XTREME...dying..,. call it what you want....

I agree with what u saying I used play this game not zorg one and it run for 6 months and I did buy rubies I did so for 2 years . All I is saying is the fundamentals of the game was built to run for a set time and it for reasons like the ones we have now there is some great ideas from many players that will help the game and not all will keep everyone happy we need to put the game first

Re: XTREME...dying..,. call it what you want....

The game for me, and I would think many others, is the fact that it is ongoing. I can look back over the last four or five years and think, I did this. One year and then a reset, personally it would hold no interest for myself and I think many others. The difference for me, rather than playing something like Civ type games is the fact that there is human opposition and the fact that there is interaction. Otherwise, a non online game would be okay. Like anything, if you can see the fruits of your labour, it's an incentive to carry on. Reset the game, it would , again in my opinion, fail.

Re: XTREME...dying..,. call it what you want....

And that's ok I just pointing out a fact I am not asking for a reset tho I think one sever should and zorg can try things out there keep what works if the others like it add it to the other servers and if things don't work it will be easy to get rid of

Re: XTREME...dying..,. call it what you want....

Generals as far as I know only lasted a couple months. I disappeared for a year shortly after/during that. So I don't know if there was ever a second General's tournament.

Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.
Sun Tzu