Re: XTREME...dying..,. call it what you want....

Well even if they don't have a master plan... The deletion and vmode of inactive players will cause some or most players, new and old, to leave or vmode at a certain point. Then more players join, build, then quit. So you could say at a certain point it is almost as if a fresh start for everyone but the large players.... Which I think they are doing so that one player still rules but it gives players a goal even if the goal is a bit harder to reach. At least that's what it looks like they are trying to do because most admin/mods have said they don't care if players leave as they want new players... 10 new players to the one or two that leave is a pretty good ratio to them and the more players gone the better.

I do see it getting better at some point, I'm just not sure if it will be sooner or later however.

If I weren't me, I would be you.

Re: XTREME...dying..,. call it what you want....

yes..., you right ...
new ones will come...
but losing the medium to larger ppl seems a waste...
but maybe its following the world economies of developing countries... games...
the super or the poor...
the middle class is a small fraction... lol

Re: XTREME...dying..,. call it what you want....

I hope I am wrong as well, but that is what I have put together over all of the forum posts... If I am wrong I would an admin or zorg to explain why... It is in most of their posts that they claim they want players coming in, not so much the current players staying as they claim that the game changes, old players run into real life problems, and so on...

If I weren't me, I would be you.

Re: XTREME...dying..,. call it what you want....

it seems you right...
its not like the server and galaxies are bursting at the seams... with players...
I would guess 20 % of slots are active...
so there is space for new guys for sure..
so again only thing that makes sense as you say from forums.., is they want new players in..., and older less important..
and if loads of smaller players go inactive..., they have loads of smaller farms... not the big farms with huge res..
keeping biggest going for the new players "goal" of being like them..
weird concept....

Re: XTREME...dying..,. call it what you want....

I think that the original point of the game was to ensure there would be competition between warring factions. There will always be the farmers, miners and turtles. But as we know, these types of players are limited in their capacity to grow.

I think that the current situation that we find ourselves in is to discourage the game becoming full of that type of player. Encourage the competition of fleeters and alliances. The game designers would never envisaged the game turning in to something that it wasn't designed to be.

There are other games available online if that is what you want to do, not mentioning their names here.

When "two tribes go to war", the use of rubies is encouraged, although not needed, it is a free to play game.
But you have to remember, somebody has to pay for this game which we all love and enjoy. Ruby users and non ruby users alike. If there was infinite resources, infinite farms, forever in place, would the game last very long?

Re: XTREME...dying..,. call it what you want....

yes... agreed....
I used to raid...., got all my raiding medals in the 1st 4 months on this game..
by then I had good mines...
and little fleet...
then my raiding dropped off.... and I started fleeting...
But...., I needed the raiding and good mines to get me there..
now I hardly raid...
only other active players with res or fleet get hit..
so the game evolves...
all of us need to be raiders...
then miners....
then either fleeters.., or turtles...
but we all have the same start.... raiding...
and for that you need res... inactives...
I think all this has been said tooooo many times...

Re: XTREME...dying..,. call it what you want....

The game was made to run for a set period of time like one year then a reset and we start again. We r in this mess because there is no end point long standing players get bigger New player have a bigger gap to build too. That is weakness of this game it was never made to last forever

Re: XTREME...dying..,. call it what you want....

Where is written or said that there is a finite life limit to this game?

In any of the literature relating to Zorg, anywhere that I can see or find on the internet does it say this.

It does say about creating your own empire, managing it and building it up. The use of rubies by at least some of the users/players enable the game to continue, hopefully indefinitely. If it was meant to be restricted to one year then you would find that hardly any user would be willing to spend currency on rubies! Or a very few would. That being the case, surely the game would fold? It is a business, not a charity, money keeps the game progressing.