Trade rates

Still would like to know when Zorgs own approved idea will be implemented...


Also, need some clarity over trade rate for rubies to res.....always seems a grey area ...

So (for example) .....what is 1 ruby worth (in metal)????

I get asked a lot what the rate is and I still have no idea lol....I ask others, they have no idea....seems we can just pluck a figure out of the air and trade accordingly.....and therein lies the problem.....I could just give rubies to "buddies" week they wanna trade those rubies for my it's a free "almost" legitimate feed right??? ;)

Re: Trade rates

This is a gray area that needs to be addressed. The reason is that Imperial Support is different for each player based on level of growth of that individual. A ruby value would be significantly lower for newer players as opposed to the players with millions of points. ;)

So what is the 'true' rate of a ruby??

Re: Trade rates

In theory Rubies are not meant to be traded..yet we all know rubies change hands for resources..think the above Idea of Zorgs was a great Idea and by his own words should have been in place by now..

The only players that can object to this being implemented are those who have something to hide.. so no one should find this option unfair...after all we all play with in the rules don't we...?

Just to give you all an example of the problem that I for one know is happening...( and no I am not one of these players)...Player A sends player B a 100 rubies as a gift... then sometime in the future a week or even a few day Player B request some help/trade...player A then trades 200 million deut for 100 fact player A has just pushed 200 million deut to player B because the 100 rubies paid was of course player A's original 100 rubies in the 1st place.. There are other variations of this well..

Re: Trade rates

It would be a good idea to have, as part of the my plus option, an across the board trade, resources to rubies. Yes, Zorg wouldn't gain anything from the deal in terms of financial redress, but, would it encourage players to raid and fleet?

An exchange rate could be set by Zorg. This could vary, much like the money markets in the real world?

Re: Trade rates

Gozar wrote:In theory Rubies are not meant to be traded..yet we all know rubies change hands for resources..think the above Idea of Zorgs was a great Idea and by his own words should have been in place by now..

The only players that can object to this being implemented are those who have something to hide.. so no one should find this option unfair...after all we all play with in the rules don't we...?

Just to give you all an example of the problem that I for one know is happening...( and no I am not one of these players)...Player A sends player B a 100 rubies as a gift... then sometime in the future a week or even a few day Player B request some help/trade...player A then trades 200 million deut for 100 fact player A has just pushed 200 million deut to player B because the 100 rubies paid was of course player A's original 100 rubies in the 1st place.. There are other variations of this well..
i for one disagree with the implementation, but I dont have anything to hide Gozar...yet another uninformed thought popping out.

Although i do agree that there should be trade rates for rubies, i dont agree with everybody seeing everybody elses trading. It could be used as another form of tracking players to the advantage of the great fleeters we already have.

I believe there are MANY more possibilities besides this one and that is what the forums are for, so please dont make irrational comments like "if you disagree you have something to hide".

One suggestion would be to rate it based on imperial support. I would suggest that rubies could be traded for up to 150% of the requesters imperial support. So if the lower level player pays a higher level player for resources he can get a little more than thru the system just like you can in trading resources/resources. This is a great thread to spark conversation and find some more ideas, be it good or bad so break them out and we can all see what is possible....and I dont mind if you disagree with me. I wont judge you :)

Re: Trade rates

Zorg wrote:I will have an exact ETA for this soon. The worst I can think of is January 2014 (in 1.5 month from now).
Sprog's right...according to his own statement, he's a year behind schedule on

I for one don't see much of a game experience being enhanced by this simple fact...
not because of hiding or showing trade actions, but because I think the stat screen is quite full of info already, some nice, some a bit unnecessary imo.

do or don't, it doesn't rock my boat either way ;)

Re: Trade rates

mightyoz wrote:Perhaps it's a case of supply and demand. If you want the rubies, pay for them with whatever the seller is asking for them?

You don't like the price, you don't buy them. Any market for them will find its own price.
Totally disagree.....regardless of what the rules are it would be open to abuse....and that is exactly why I am still asking here

Judging by reponses already, I am not alone in this

Re: Trade rates

I am with you Oz... This is a war game and in war, the ones involved will pay any price for what they want. Sprog, it can't be abused if there is a rate whether it be determined by the players themselves or by admin... If the price of a ruby is set to a certain amount then it can not be a type of currency because currency changes value daily based on supply and demand...

If I weren't me, I would be you.